Brihat Parashar Patrika

Pages : 298
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Brihat Parashar Patrika

300+ Page Report

This detailed analytical report strongly focuses on all the major and minor areas of life along with predictions and analysis on all factors, namely love life, children, education, diseases, family life, friends, business, society, foreign journeys, debts & savings, and personality just to name a few.

Comprehensive Calculative Horoscope

This premium horoscope report includes the Online Report Vimshottari Dasha with up to 3 and 4 sub-periods, Shodashvarga Charts, Shadbala, Bhavbala, Planetary Dasha with periods, detailed Ashtakvarga Tables, and charts and calculations to substantiate the predictions provided.

Dasha Analysis

Dasha analysis includes all the planetary transitions and their position. Including Mahadasha and Antar Dasha of the planets, in this section, you will get detailed information about the position of each planet and their effects and their role in every aspect of your life.

Planetary Dasha with Periods

This includes all the 9 planets of Vedic Astrology along with their role that they would play in your Kundli in terms of periods of their governing your horoscope.

All Dosha Report

This All Dosha detailed report, with the inclusion of all the major 4 doshas present in one’s life, namely Kaal Sarp Dosha, Sade Sati Vichar, Manglik Dosha, and Pitri Dosha present in the horoscope. A calculative report with detailed predictions will be given to understand the dosha and follow through the astrological remedies prescribed at the end of the report.

Numerology Predictions

The Brihat Parashar Patrika also focuses on the Numerology Predictions of all the aspects of life. You can have an idea about your favorable points and numbers with the numerology report online.this would help you to get to know the role of numbers in your life. Numerology Remedies to facilitate better growth is also included in this section.

What is Brihat Parashar Patrika?

The report of Brihat Parashar Horoscope that we have launched at Indian Astrology comes under the category of famous horoscope models, which clearly authenticates its genuine factor. This comprehensive horoscope report consisting of calculations and predictions visualizes the predictive horoscope in this beautiful report called Brihat Parashar Patrika bestows us with the best horoscope online.

This Brihat Parashar Patrika with detailed 20 yearly predictions can help a person to lead a stress-free and cheerful life without putting any extra efforts. Strictly associated with the principles of Vedic Astrology, this popular Janam Kundali Patrika elaborates Kundli Predictions through our top-ranked astrology software online, Leo Star. These reports are 100% accurate and reliable. Brihat Parashar Patrika is the only horoscope model featuring all the 5 key areas of our life namely Career, Education, Finance, Health, & Family through the detailed exploration. It can be used as an ultimate guide to lead a content life.

Reason to choose Brihat Parashar Patrika:

Rather than just thinking and worrying about the problems knocking at our doors, it’s completely fair to find their solutions. In the Brihat Parashar Patrika, the predictions just don’t end with the 20-year detailed Yearly Prediction, it also includes all the 5 major aspects of life with Dasha Analysis. There are countless reasons to choose this Brihat Parashar Patrika including the Monthly Predictions for 3 Years, Planetary Dasha Analysis, Astro Graph, Complete Yoga Report, Lal Kitab Predictions, Nakshatraphal, Detailed Calculative Horoscope Reading with Vimshottari Dasha and all its sub-periods, Detailed predictions regarding 5 Key Areas of Life- Career, Education, Finance, Health, & Family in one Complete Horoscope Report!

There are no reasons for you to not choose Brihat Parashar Patrika as your choice of horoscope. The reasons mentioned above are obvious to put this horoscope report on the top rank and the first & foremost choice for you.

What does Brihat Parashar Patrika include?

The Brihat Parashar Patrika includes the detailed and extended horoscope report online with Lal Kitab, Kp system, Numerology, All Dosha, and All Yoga report in one massive Horoscope. In addition to the 20-year detailed Horoscope Predictions for life, the report also provides detailed month-wise predictions, All Yoga Report, All Dosha Report, and Gem & Rudraksha Recommendation report. This mega Horoscope Report has compiled each and every single one of your questions and curated a key-guide with most accurate and detailed predictions and calculations. With detailed information of all the events of your life, you can find happiness and prosperity knocking at your door. The features mentioned below are included in this Brihat Parashar Patrika.

  • 300+ Page Report:this detailed analytical report strongly focuses on all the major and minor areas of life along with predictions and analysis on all factors, namely love life, children, education, diseases, family life, friends, business, society, foreign journeys, debts & savings, and personality just to name a few.
  • Comprehensive Calculative Horoscope: This premium horoscope report includes the Online Report Vimshottari Dasha with up to 3 and 4 sub-periods, Shodashvarga Charts, Shadbala, Bhavbala, Planetary Dasha with periods, detailed Ashtakvarga Tables, and charts and calculations to substantiate the predictions provided.
  • Dasha Analysis: Dasha analysis includes all the planetary transitions and their position. Including Mahadasha and Antar Dasha of the planets, in this section, you will get detailed information about the position of each planet and their effects and their role in every aspect of your life.
  • Planetary Dasha with Periods: This includes all the 9 planets of Vedic Astrology along with their role that they would play in your Kundli in terms of periods of their governing your horoscope.
  • All Dosha Report: This All Dosha detailed report, with the inclusion of all the major 4 doshas present in one’s life, namely Kaal Sarp Dosha, Sade Sati Vichar, Manglik Dosha, and Pitri Dosha present in the horoscope. A calculative report with detailed predictions will be given to understand the dosha and follow through the astrological remedies prescribed at the end of the report.
  • Numerology Predictions: The Brihat Parashar Patrika also focuses on the Numerology Predictions of all the aspects of life. You can have an idea about your favorable points and numbers with the numerology report online.this would help you to get to know the role of numbers in your life. Numerology Remedies to facilitate better growth is also included in this section.
  • Personality Analysis: This would include a detailed analysis of the 1st house that describes your personality traits in the natal chart. This would also include a detailed description of your sense of reacting in every phase of your life.
  • Detailed Analysis of all factors of life: this would include a well-drafted section of your personality traits you would boast of! From your behavior, to love life, family life, career, education, finance, diseases, investment & savings, children & spouse, friends, society, social stature, foreign travels, etc would be discussed in thorough detail.
  • NakshatraPhal: Predictions on the constellations and their plans to influence your future.
  • Lal Kitab Predictions: This section of Brihat Parashar Patrika would include Lal Kitab Predictions that include some of the detail of previous birth. Lal Kitab predictions will provide you with a much clear vision of your horoscope predictions.
  • Lal Kitab Remedies: the remedies of Lal Kitab has been in use on the grounds of the whole world. These are proved to be the most effective and accurate remedies.
  • Education Predictions for 3 Years
  • Profession & Career Predictions for 3 Years
  • Finance Predictions for 3 Years
  • Family Life Predictions for 3 Years
  • Health Predictions for 3 Years
  • Yearly Predictions based on all areas of life: Detailed Predictions on all important factors of our life.
  • Monthly Predictions: Along with Yearly Predictions, monthly Predictions will also be the area of focus on all the key areas of your life.
  • Yearly Predictions for 20 Years: This Online Horoscope report includes yearly predictions on 20 years of your life with a detailed analysis. each and every major part of your life will be analyzed in this report with complete thoroughness with month-wise predictions for 2 years.
  • In-Depth Dasha Analysis: This would include detailed information about all the 9 planets and their Mahadashas and Antardasha.
  • Astro Graphs on all major key factors in life
  • All Yoga Report: All the planetary combinations and the Yogas they form to bring auspiciousness in your life would also be included.

The Brihat Parashar Patrika is considered as the most extensive Horoscope model Online. This report has been created with complete clarity and accuracy by Indian Astrology keeping in mind to fulfill all the requirements of its clients. Trusted by millions of Astrologers worldwide, the mastermind of all these is Leo Star Astrology Software which has been accorded as the No.1 astrology software online. You can go for our most accurate and detailed Online Kundli Report at Indian Astrology, the Brihat Parashar Patrika. With so much to offer, from Lal Kitab, Numerology, & Gem Report, to All Dosha, All Yoga, and Month-wise Yearly Predictions for 20 years, there isn’t even a single thing that this horoscope report leaves to the imagination. Grab this report of Brihat Parashar Patrika to help your self to get your accurate life prediction.

So, take the wise step of consulting Indian Astrology in order to get "Brihat Parashar Patrika" and start benefiting from the divine guidance that astrology provides! Book your appointment: 011 - 40541000 and Click Here


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