Kundli Darpan

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Kundli Darpan

Charts and Graphs
  • Avakahada Chakra
  • Panchang of Birthday
  • Calculative Birth Charts, Moon Charts, Lagna Chart, Navamsa Chart
  • Table of Significator and Ruling Planets
Numerological Calculations
  • Basic Numerological Calculations
Astrological Predictions
  • Planet Reading
  • Prediction of Mahadasha and Antradasha for 5 years
  • Favorable points- information regarding lucky numbers, colors, day, time, favorable gem, favorable metal, suitable direction, etc.
  • Dasha Analysis
Numerology predictions
  • Detailed Calculative Numerology Predictions
Yogas and doshas
  • Description of Kaal Sarp Dosha, Manglik Dosha, Pitra Dosha along with the remedies to treat these doshas in case if they are present in the Kundli of a person

What is Kundli Darpan Report?

Kundli Darpan is an Online Kundli report which comes with 100+ pages that include a basic calculative & detailed horoscope report along with Numerology predictions, and important astrological remedies that can help you live a stress-free life. The Kundli Darpan Horoscope contains 5 Year Transit Predictions with future reading for five years.

Time has always been so unpredictable. You never know what you have to go through in the approaching moment. People are always unaware of happening in their lives. And with the increasing unpredictability of the time, our insecurities in life tend to increase with the passage of the time. Having a general idea about our coming time, we can at least plan an alternative for any unfavorable situations in our lives. And would be able to deal with the situation in the best possible way. The astrological Kundli Predictions done with the utmost accurate calculations on a regular basis will let you know about the coming time and the situations that you might have to deal with in your life and will guide you to take the appropriate path to have a successful life ahead.

The Kundli Darpan Report at Indian Astrology comes up with predictions on the daily, monthly and yearly basis. This report will let you know about all the yogas and doshas residing in your Kundli along with the remedies to treat any of the doshas if present in your Kundli. These predictions are given with the careful study of all the planetary bodies, their transitions, and their position in the Kundli of a person. Being aware of the events that we might have to go through, we can be prepared with the precautions to take in any particular situation.

So instead of searching everywhere for reliable and confident astrological predictions, you can rely on this report of Kundli Darpan at Indian Astrology to have the accurately calculated predictions of your coming times given by the confident and educated astrologers.

Benefits of Choosing the Kundli Darpan Report at Indian Astrology?

The Kundli Darpan report at Indian Astrology is an extensive report with 100+ pages. The Kundli Darpan Report will provide you with predictions on a daily, monthly and yearly basis that will help you to know about each and every event that you might have to face in the coming time. The Astrological Kundli report would also provide you with the 5 years transit predictions along with the 5-year Darpan phal. Your life would be much easier and wonderful when once you get to know about the uncertain coming times. The report would be supportive for you and would let you know about your important events, lucky color, lucky day, favorable gemstone along with the remedies to bring positive results in your life.

This report would provide you with the Future Horoscope in all aspects like health, finance, love and relationship matters, personality and character of a person. You will be able to detect all the problems coming in your life very easily and can get ready with the remedies to treat any evolving issues that might bother you in the near future. This report would depict all the planetary bodies along with their transition and position in the Kundli of a person. It would also let you know about the effects of their position and transitions in your life i.e. how much it will affect your destiny in any respect.

Features of the Kundli Darpan Report

Charts and Graphs

  • Avakahada Chakra
  • Panchang of Birthday
  • Calculative Birth Charts, Moon Charts, Lagna Chart, Navamsa Chart
  • Vimshottari and Yogini Dasha
  • Planetary Degrees and their Positions
  • Lagna Chalit Chart
  • Chalit and Nirayana Bhava Chalit Chart, Cusp Chart
  • Tara Chakra
  • Karaka, Avastha, Rashmi- Power, and Signification of all the Planets
  • Sudarshan Chakra- It would represent the comparative positions of all the planets in the sun, moon and the Lagna charts from all the perspectives. You would have to consider the signs in all the three charts in order to study any house of the Kundli.
  • KP System and Chart
  • Table of Significator and Ruling Planets
  • Shodashvarga Charts- 16 different charts are given in this section to study the different areas of a person’s life. Any event cannot be predicted only on the basis of these divisional charts. A descriptive study of the birth chart would also be required for this. Powers and positions of the planets are not given in these charts. Their positions are strictly confined to their occupied house.
  • Shodashvarga Tables
  • Varga Bhedas, Vimsopaka Strength
  • Permanent, Temporary and Five old Friendship Tables
  • Tables of Shadbala and Bhavabala
  • Upgarahas and Arudha
  • Prastharashtakvarga Tables
  • Tables of Ashtakvarga
  • Ashtakvarga Charts
  • Vimshottari Dasha along with its Sub-Sub Periods
  • Yogini Dasha

Numerological Calculations

  • Basic Numerological Calculations

Astrological Predictions

  • Planet Reading
  • Prediction of Mahadasha and Antradasha for 5 years
  • Favorable points- information regarding lucky numbers, colors, day, time, favorable gem, favorable metal, suitable direction, etc.
  • Predictions of the houses in all the various aspects of the life namely- personality, health, nature, finance, family, travel, educational aspects, societal status and power love matters, children, property, longevity, diseases, rivals, marriage, business partner, profession, etc.
  • Yearly predictions for 10 years based on the movement of the planets for a period of 10 years in other aspects of life like their profession, wealth, property, family, children, physical and mental well- being, career aspects, and travels.
  • Dasha Analysis

Numerology predictions

  • Detailed Calculative Numerology Predictions

Yogas and doshas

  • Description of Kaal Sarp Dosha, Manglik Dosha, Pitra Dosha along with the remedies to treat these doshas in case if they are present in the Kundli of a person

Remedies to Treat all the Doshas and Yogas Residing in the Kundli

  • Selection of favorable gemstone as per the position of the planet in the native’s Kundli.
  • A detailed description of all the gems
  • Gem Recommendation
  • Gem, mantra to chant while wearing any gem along with the mahurat to wear
  • Favorable Stone
  • Favorable Rudraksha along with the remedies to wear it.
  • Sade Sati Consideration
  • Sade Sati Remedies
  • Remedies to treat Kaal Sarp Dosha
  • Remedies to treat Manglik Dosha
  • Remedies to treat Pitra Dosha


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