Match Analysis Detailed

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Match Analysis Detailed

Charts, Graphs, and other Calculative Tables
  • Planetary Degrees and Vimshottari Dasha containing Lagna- Chalit Chart, Sun Chart, Moon Chart, Navamsaamsa Chart.
  • Basic Calculative Charts like a Birth Chart, Sun Chart, Moon Chart, and Navamsa Chart
  • KP System having Cusp Chart
  • Tables of Significator and Ruling Planets
  • Manglik Dosha Compatibility
  • Ashtakoota Guna Matching
  • Ashtakoota Prediction
  • Matching Predictions for both on health, finance, nature, in-laws, and children
  • Numerology Predictions for both the partners
  • Planet Reading
  • Manglik Dosha Remedies
  • Sade-Sati Remedies
  • Gem Selection along with the remedies to wear as per your birth chart
  • Kaal Sarp Yoga Remedies

What is Match Analysis Detailed ?

Tracing its usage back to the Vedic ages, Horoscope matching or Kundali matching is the age-old concept of comparing & analyzing the Kundali of the prospective bride & groom. It holds great importance according to the principles of Vedic astrology. To ensure whether the person they chose to share their life with will be compatible with them or not. Matching kundli is a process of comparing and Matching Horoscopes of both the partner to each other before marriage. The process of the Kundli Matching for marriage in English is performed before marriage in order to ensure if the partners would be compatible with each other or not. Will they be able to lead a harmonious and happy life together being a couple. The advanced match analysis report at Indian Astrology will let you know about your love life, your partner and many other factors related to your love life.

What is the Purpose of the Detailed Match- Analysis Report at Indian Astrology?

The detailed Match- Analysis report at Indian Astrology is an exclusive report having 100+ pages created by the best online horoscope software Leo star. This Match Making Horoscope report compares the horoscopes of both the partners to analyze the areas of compatibility and incompatibility between the couples. The report also provides us with information about the timings of important events in their relationship. Ashtakoota guna tables along with the doshas and the Vargas for both the partners would also be a part of this report.

This report would help you to have a clear idea about your coming time and the events that you might have to pass through in your love life together with your partner. The report will predict the future and the nature of your relationship with your partner. This Online Kundli Matching report would also cover up the concepts like Manglik dosha compatibility, Vimshottari Dasha for both the boy and the girl and will give you the appropriate conclusion. This report is one of the best horoscope selling model which will provide you with accurate results. You can completely rely on this horoscope report and can be free from all the worries and tensions only with the help of this report. You can also consult an astrologer to have a complete understanding of your Kundli and to have a complete and clear idea about your love life.

What are the Features of the Detailed Match- Analysis Report?

This report features various charts, life graphs and other calculated tables which would be helpful for you to get a clear idea about your love life. The report would also let you know about the doshas and the yogas present in your kundli along with the remedies to treat it in the right way. This Kundli Matching report will tell you about the personality, nature, and attitude of both the partners. The report consists of the numerological predictions which will provide you with the actual numerological conclusion.

With the help of the graphs and the tables, the report would let you know how the partners and the planet residing in the birth chart will influence each other’s destiny. The effects of the planets along with the AntarDasha and the Mahadasha in the Kundli will be explained in this report in such a manner that it will be really to understand this for the astrologer and even for the layman. The report would also provide you with the planet reading which will help you to understand the true meaning of every planet in your love life and the effect that they might have in your life. Mentioned below are the elements contained in this report that will be helpful for you to have a clear understanding of your horoscope. Take a look:

Charts, Graphs, and other Calculative Tables

  • Planetary Degrees and Vimshottari Dasha containing Lagna- Chalit Chart, Sun Chart, Moon Chart, Navamsaamsa Chart.
  • Basic Calculative Charts like a Birth Chart, Sun Chart, Moon Chart, and Navamsa Chart
  • KP System having Cusp Chart
  • Tables of Significator and Ruling Planets
  • Shodashvarga Charts- 16 divisional charts area given in this report in order to study the various areas of the life of the person.
  • Friendship Tables for both- Permanent Friendship Table and Five-Fold Friendship Table.
  • Prashtharashtakvarga Tables
  • Ashtakvarga Tables
  • Vimshottari Dasha with Sub-Sub Periods
  • Yogini Dasha/Antardasha
  • Ashtakoota Guna Chart and Graphs
  • Astrographs for both the partners
  • Manglik Dosha Compatibility


  • Ashtakoota Guna Matching
  • Ashtakoota Prediction
  • Matching Predictions for both on health, finance, nature, in-laws, and children
  • Numerology Predictions for both the partners
  • Personality Analysis for both
  • Nakshatra Phal for both
  • Rashi Phal for both
  • Paya Vichar
  • Gana Prediction
  • Yoni Prediction
  • Planet Reading
  • Predictions related to physique, health, nature, finance, family, education, mother, property, short travels, love life and children
  • Predictions on family life, marriage, life longevity, fame, worship, profession, status, and power, debts and savings
  • Dasha Analysis for both the partners
  • Mahadasha Prediction for both
  • Astrographs for health and finance for up to a period of 10 years.
  • Shani Sade-Sati Consideration
  • Favorable points such as lucky numbers, evil numbers, favorable date and time, favorable stone to wear, god, cereals, items to donate, etc.


  • Manglik Dosha Remedies
  • Sade-Sati Remedies
  • Gem Selection along with the remedies to wear as per your birth chart
  • Kaal Sarp Yoga Remedies

The match analysis report would be the perfect gift for you to have a wonderful and harmonious love life ahead. Get your kundli matching report now available at Indian Astrology and clear all your doubts and queries regarding your love life.


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