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Determination, Dominance, Persevering, Practical, Willfull

Lucky Color :Brown, Black, Dark Green
lucky number :4
Ruling Planet :Saturn

Today your day will be full of joy and happiness and your domestic environment will be harmonious. You can get the money from hidden sources and if you are planning to buy a house or plot definitely you will be in profitable deal. Your spouse will extend support to you on all fronts. Students may loose their concentration.

The beginning of the week would mark your active and vigorous participation in social welfare expeditions. You would emerge as a favorite of your family, relative and friends. This would keep your enthusiasm at its peak and you won't leave any stone unturned in coming up to the expectations of your own people. Your health and confidence would remain intact throughout the week except some mental tensions in the mid of the week however. There are slight indications of unnecessary intervention of few unwanted obstacles in the way of your progress. You would be paying lot of attention while taking care of health of your mother.The concluding part of the week appears to be beneficial for your education, children and speculative activities. This is the right time for making investment in shares. If there is some tensions in your relation with your kith and kin, beloved, friends & children then this is the right time which could be utilized for solving such issues.


There is hardly any beneficial result for your health which the stars can promise during the ensuring month. Any predisposition to ailments of the chronic type like rheumatism and complaints of the digestive tract like constipation would pose problems. You would do well to take precautionary measures like treatment, diet control, etc. much before-hand so as to avoid difficulties later. Bouts of sudden illness like fever, inflammations etc could also bother you. Care and caution cannot be over emphasised. Any throat infection should also be thoroughly examined, since in an unfavourable situation, this might turn out to be a symptom of a rheumatic heart.


Nothing particularly favourable about the augury from the stars, in so far as your financial prospects are concerned. Dancers, musicians, painters and other practitioners of the arts would do well to make provisions for the rainy day, because they are likely to face a lean spell, during this coming month. There is also the possibility that some of you under the influence of a mean streak would tend to severely exploit your juniors, workers, or even people below you in the social strata. This would land you in a truly messy situation from which you may not be able to easily extricate yourself, curb such tendencies firmly, failing which you would have only yourself to blame.


This month there is nothing very encouraging in the augury from the stars as far as your professional prospects are concerned. There would be deeply felt resentment against you among your juniors or workers. Try and win them over with fair play and cordial behaviour. Also it is important to curb your own exploitative tendencies, because in the final analysis it is these that are at the root of such troubles. There would be a fair amount of travel, but this too, under the circumstances would bear little or no fruit. Though there might be some percentage for you in a sojourn towards the south. You must also control your own sense of insecurity and dissatisfaction.


This would be quite a favourable month for your educational pursuits, since the stars are in an obliging mood. Those pursuing dance, drama, music, painting, sculpture and the other arts can look forward to an inspired spell of activity. Some of you could go on to achieve some notable success. Technical students would perform in a outstanding manner by performing feats of dexterity and skill. They would also do well with their textbooks. Those appearing for competitive examinations would succeed in their objectives with just about the normal effort


Everything is favorable about the augury from the stars, in so far as gains from travel are concerned. You would travel within the country and may not venture too far away from your home. This would be almost entirely by rail and by road. Your job or business would require that you travel a fair amount and it is very likely that your performance would be certainly up to the mark. This shall make you happy, since the cause would be positive stellar influences. There are also chances of travel for pleasure, and this month such efforts would bring any cheer. South is the most favourable direction.


This month your family affairs are unlikely to have smooth sailing since the stars are not favourably inclined. The family atmosphere would not be too congenial and discord would be openly evident. In such a situation, children would also tend to be irritable. They would also not perform well in their studies and other extra-curricular activities. This means that you would have to devote far greater time and energy to closely supervise their affairs and ensure better results. Further, there is the likelihood of serious differences with the elders of the family. Keep your cool and refuse to be drawn into any sort of a confrontation, this would help to reduce tensions.


Nothing particularly beneficial in the augury from the stars this month in so far as your children's prospects are concerned. Those who are weak in studies would need a good deal of extra help to get along. In fact, this would not be a month of high performance and even the brighter lot would face difficulties in their pursuits. Parents must provide the necessary help and encouragement. This would apply in particular to those sitting for competitive examination. Some differences with elderly people are also indicated.

In the beginning of the year Saturn would be in 2nd house in Aquarius and Rahu would be in 3rd in Pisces and on 29th March Saturn would move into 3rd house in Pisces. On 30th May Rahu would move into Aquarius in 2nd house. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in 5th house in Taurus and on 14th May it would move into Gemini in 6th house and after that it would enter into sign Cancer in 7th house with rapid motion and then again it would move into Gemini sign in 6th house on 5th December.


The beginning of this year would bring in average results for your work and you shall be facing some difficulties in the accomplishment of your tasks. You are advised not to start any new task, control your tongue and try to manage your old well established manner by working in a balanced manner and stay away from any risk taking situation. After May the time period is not auspicious and at that time you shall have to enhance your confidence. There shall be situation of sudden difficulties. Those doing job would also face difficulty in job.

Wealth, Property

Financially it won't be an excellent year because of ups and downs in business. You would fail to save money. After May some sudden expenses would spoil the shape of your budget therefore you are advised not to take any type of risk. Abstain from taking/giving loan. Your money might get spent on curing somebody's health problem. Avoid making any investment.

Work, Profession

For family life this year would prove bring in mixed results. You won't be able to give enough time to family members because of your busy schedule however; there shall be mutual cooperation among all family members. The 5th house jupiter promises auspicious Muhurat for conceiving. You would be enjoying the cooperation of your siblings. After 29th March you shall be able to attain social reputation.

Family & Society

The time period is auspicious for the progress, education and happiness of children. He might get married if he is of marriageable age. The latter half of the year won't be favorable for your children. Their health and education might get affected however.


The beginning of the year shall be good for your health. You would be satisfied mentally. The first half of the year is favorable for enhancing immunity. You would develop positive thinking and perform everything in a positive manner. You shall prefer to have vegetarian food. In the second half of the year you might suffer from trivial health troubles like breathlessness, infectious disease and stomach related troubles.

Career & Competition

This year is better for success in competitive examinations. The beginning of the year shall be auspicious for education. Those aspiring to get higher education shall be getting better opportunities. In the latter half of the year the chances of success in competitive examination shall get reduced. In addition to that you shall have to wait for getting better opportunities of employment.

Travel & Transfer

This is going to be an average year for journeys. In the beginning of the year you are likely to go on short journeys. Throughout the year you will be going on short and long journeys frequently. The Jupiter's influence shall result into long journeys and also pilgrimage. In nutshell all types of journeys are indicated. After 14th May you might go abroad. The time period is equally auspicious for foreign education.

Religious Deeds & Propitiation of Planets

You will be taking interest in Mantra chanting. You would get blessings of Guru to learn effective methods of meditation with Mantra. 1. Chant DurgaKawacham and donate blue articles of use. 2. Serve parents, Guru, Saints, and elders and get blessings. 3. Donate banana and yellow sweets in a temple. 4. Donate black blankets on Saturday.

General Characteristics Capricorn

Capricorns are very ambitious people, they always have something they are pursuing and they want their lives to be fulfilled and important. Capricorns are extremely patient and will wait a long time for something they want, when the opportunity arises, they will plan their steps carefully to others, they might appear hesitant but this is not true, they know that there is only one chance to succeed and they are filing together their information to take the proper steps to accomplish their goal with flying colors, not just second rate. Capricorns have a very active mind and strong powers of concentration. Capricorns like being in control of their surroundings and everyone in their life. Capricorns are very cautious but this only to survey the situation before leaping in, they will never make a hasty jump in. They accept change but introduce it slowly so they can get used to it and incorporate it into their life. Capricorns tend to see life in black or white, definitive's only. There are no gray areas for these are areas that are not understood and this makes Capricorn feel uncomfortable. They tend to be in control in a romantic relationship that way they are never vulnerable to another person. They are very focused for the accomplishment of their tasks. They always keep their goal in their minds. They are clever and very practical. They know it very well that how to get their jobs done by pleasing people. They can be highly selfish and self centered. Works on facts and statistics and makes use of them in worldly affairs.

While cannot be intimidated by force, they melt like wax in the warmth of friendship and goodness. They have special organizing ability. Even in adverse circumstances they rarely ask for help. They have an impediment in speech. The Capricorn people are best as employees which makes them suitable for many career profiles like teaching, engineering, petroleum, oil, civil engineering, construction, mechanical engineering, labor department computers, entertainment, music, lawyers, doctors, politics, mechanics, government, banking, management, producer, anchor, art dealer, finance, dentistry, accounts and IT and osteopathy.Fit for public work and position of prominence. Best suited for jobs in finance department or in technical field. Cannot cultivate friendship easily with strangers but is social with earlier friends. Not fit for romance but provides all comforts to family and loved ones. Protects family like a hen. Very slow and cautious in dealing with opposite sex, has sexual relations with females older than himself.

Likely to suffer from injury near the knee cap, skin disease, bruises, dislocation of bones, urticaria, rheumatism etc. Fear of injury from fire, arms or iron during childhood.

Physical features Capricorn

Weak slender body and constitution improving with age, large teeth, big mouth, prominent nose, dark coarse hair, thin and oval face, hunch – backed, scar or mole on the knee cap, jaws similar to that of crocodile, short forehead, long teeth, beard with less hair.

Auspicious years - 33 to 49

Inauspicious years capricorn- 5, 13, 27, 57, 62 and 67

Their lucky gem is Blue Sapphire.   

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