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Phylosophical, Motion, Experimentation, Optimism

Lucky Color :Light Blue
lucky number :6
Ruling Planet :Jupiter

Today is the day of happiness and joy. You will get the good news from your children. You can go ahead in love affairs. You may also get the offer from opposite sex. You will do your work wisely and sincerely. This is the time to invest in speculation or gambling because today is your lucky day. Students will concentrate their studies with their soul and mind. Businessman can open new ventures. Serviceman can do better in their job.

The beginning of the week indicates problems of mood swings, tensions regarding the health of mother. There would be some problem in your vehicle. This time should be utilized for the maintenance of your house.Few domestic issues would give mental tensions. The middle of the week appears to be favorable for your education and children. The guidance of friends would tempt you to invest in share market and other speculative activities. The remaining part of the week is giving an indication of possibility of solution for the problems caused by enemies and in addition to that you would be able to take some concrete decision to formulate plan for paying of loans. You are advised to take precautionary measures to protect your-self from diseases. Your increased social reputation won't let your enemies to create problems for you. Some useless journey would increase your expenses.


An encouraging month during which the stars are out to bless your health, leaving you no reason for any serious concern on this score. One note of caution would need to be sounded. You must not over-exert yourself. If you do this, your problems would snowfall, leading to a serious health situation. The remedy is quite simple. All you need to do is to chalk out a fresh schedule of activity which does not unduly strain your system, and yet allows full play to all your normal activities. This done, the majority of problems would cease for you in terms of your health. A good month, during which with this one precaution, you could remain in the pink of health.


Nothing particularly encouraging about the augury from the stars in so far as your financial prospects are concerned. There is a clear chance that some of you would be influenced by a mean streak that would lead you on to severely exploiting your juniors, workers or simply people below you in the social strata for personal ends. Such efforts would be met with stiff resistance and could create a very unpleasant situation, curb such tendencies and remain fair with your juniors or subordinates. Writers, poets, and others of their ilk should make some provision for a rainy day, since they are likely to face a lean spell during this coming month. The climate would also, not be congenial for investment and new ventures.


An excellent month during which you would have several opportunities to flourish professionally. The key would be the manner in which you handle your subordinates. You would be able to derive optimum gains from their services. However, you should guard against becoming exploitative in a blatant manner. This would breed discontent of an uncontrollable kind. You would receive some worthwhile keep from an old man or a female colleague or both. You would also tend to travel around quite a bit and this, too, would be extremely beneficial. The most advantageous direction of travel would be West. A good month during which you should make up some exemplary success.


An excellent month in so far as your educational pursuits are concerned, with the stars favourably disposed. Technical students would perform exceedingly well at some tasks involving skill and dexterity. In fact, some of you could well go on to some outstanding success in this area of effort. Your performance with textbooks would also be quite satisfactory. Those pursuing languages, journalism and accountancy would also have good reason to be satisfied with their progress. Candidates for competitive examinations should go in for extra coaching, since this could well determine the outcome of their efforts.


A month during which the prospect of gains from travel are not too bright, since the augury from the stars is quite unfavourable on this score. Even travel undertaken for pleasure, like a holiday with the family of which there are good chances, may not be too much fun. Travel for business of which there would be a fair amount, would also fail to bring the expected gains. You would travel almost entirely by rail and by road. These sojourns, would be within the country and are unlikely to take you very far afield. The most favourable direction would be South, though during the coming month this may not be all that advantageous.


This month the prospects for your family welfare are quite bright, since the stars are favourably disposed. There in a likelihood that several elderly people in the family including your father would be extremely pleased with your conduct and in return bless you whole-heartedly. In fact, some of you can look forward to sizeable gains from these people. There is the possibility of someone below you in the social strata doing you a good turn, that could turn out to be a veritable boon. Financially, you all can expect to do fairly well during the coming month.


A month during which the prospects for your children are quite promising since the stars are favourably disposed. Most children would be a source of satisfaction to their parents. Though supervision may be very necessary, especially in getting them to carry out instructions. They would not stubbornly refuse but instead display a certain draftiness in behaviour, and manage to dodge in various ways. This would not be a happy sign, and a certain degree of firmness may be called for. Though nothing outstanding may be visible, yet most of them would perform well in a routine sort of way.

In the beginning of the year Saturn would be in 3rd house in Aquarius and Rahu would be in 4th in Pisces and on 29th March Saturn would move into 4th house in Pisces. On 30th May Rahu would move into Aquarius in 3rd house. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in 6th house in Taurus and on 14th May it would move into Gemini in 7th house and after that it would enter into sign Cancer in 8th house with rapid motion and then again it would move into Gemini sign in 7th house on 5th December.


The beginning of this year would bring in average results for your work and the situation of ups and downs in business would give tensions to you.You would be facing some difficulties and lack of zeal in the accomplishment of your tasks. After May the time period is auspicious for expansion of business and partnership and you would be enjoying the cooperation of friends, partners and spouse.

Wealth, Property

Financially it won't be an excellent year because of ups and downs in business. After May the transit of Jupiter is auspicious for financial matters. That time your savings shall increase again. Your money shall get spent on curing the health problem of some family member. The support of siblings would prove beneficial to improve your financial position. The continuity in the inflow of money would increase your savings.

Work, Profession

The beginning of this year is average for family life. There shall be sudden problems in family life and the peace in family might get disturbed because of difference of opinion with some family member or the deterioration of health of somebody. The health of parents and sun might get affected. After 14th May the relation with spouse shall improve. If you are of marriageable age then you are likely to get married. Your social reputation shall get enhanced.

Family & Society

The beginning of the year won't be favorable for your children. Their health and education might get affected however after May the time shall turn favorable. The time period is auspicious for the progress of second child. He might get married if he is of marriageable age.


The beginning of the year is not good for your health. You might suffer from trivial health troubles like breathlessness, infectious disease and stomach related troubles. In the second half of the year you would be satisfied mentally. The second half of the year is favorable for enhancing immunity. You would develop positive thinking and perform everything in a positive manner. You shall prefer to have vegetarian food.

Career & Competition

This year is very average for success in competitive examinations. You shall have to work very hard for your success in such examinations. The time period is auspicious for foreign education. After 14th May the time period would be favorable for success in competitive examination and study of professional courses.

Travel & Transfer

This is going to be an excellent year for journey and in the beginning of the year you are likely to get opportunity to go abroad. Throughout the year you will be going on short and long journeys frequently.

Religious Deeds & Propitiation of Planets

The beginning of the year would be average for religious activities however you and your spouse both would very strongly get attracted towards religious activities like Puja, Hawan, pilgimage etc. after May. 1. Serve parents, Guru, Saints, and elders and get blessings. 2. Donate black articles and iron articles of use on Saturday. 3. See your face in mustard oil on Saturday and donate in a temple.

General Characteristics Sagittarius

Optimism describes Sagittarians. They always believe that good things will happen tomorrow. It is their spirit which makes them always see at the bright side of a situation. It is said that Sagittarians are always guided by lucky stars and good things will always happen to them. Sagittarians are very independent in their dispositions. They have vibrant and expansive personalities. They are curious by nature and always seek knowledge to expand their outlook. They also have a spiritualistic bent of mind. The Sagittarius horoscope predicts that Sagittarians are unemotional. They don’t like dwelling on the past. They tend to get bored easily and simply move on with the life. This is because they have two personalities, because the Centaur (Sagittarius' symbol), is half horse half person. The Sagittarius's two personalities: the animal (horse): (aggressive, rebellious, free-roaming, etc.),They are highly attractive, active, knowledgeable, generous, straightforward and dynamic but tactless. The speed of their emotions is very high and sometimes it becomes little difficult for Sagittarians to control their emotions. They are deeply religious and are pandits of religion and politics. They can become successful evangelists, professor and educationists. Free, generous, honest, reliable, god-fearing. Alert, intuitive and burrows to the point easily. Short sighted or hunchbacked. Straight forward in dealings and has high sense of justice.

Too conventional and business like. Sometimes restless and overanxious. Dual temperament. Versatile desirous to know something of everything. Disposition is happy and cheerful. Adaptable, content with simple life. Lover of art and poetry has creative ability. Respecter of law rarely gets involved in legal affairs. Desire for learning philosophy and occult subjects. Exercises strict control over food, drinks and relation with opposite sex. Neatness, orderliness, being methodical, and diligence contribute towards success. Has self-confidence. Never leaves off the work on hand unfinished. Gets favour from Government, inherits property. Professions which require extensive travel generally attract them, as they love to meet and explore new people and cultures. It is no surprise, then, that the Sagittarius-born people make good travel writers or travel guides. They can also be motivational orators. Since they are intuitive and know how to make others feel good, they perform extremely well when they work for social causes. They would make good politicians, HR managers, activists, teachers, philosophers, therapists, doctors etc. Successful as a teacher, public speaker, heads of religious institution, judge, advocate etc.

Liable to suffer from Sciatica, Rheumatic pain, Hipbone fracture, Gout, Lung problems etc.

Physical features

Well developed and handsome figure, almond eyes, brown hair, high and bushy eyebrows,long face, long nose, graceful look, not a straight walk, thick nose / ears / teeth/ lips.

Auspicious years sagittarius - 19 to 37 and 61 to 69

Inauspicious years sagittarius - 2, 10, 18, 31, 38, and 42

Their lucky gem is Yellow Sapphire.

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