Today is the day of hard work and because of that you will be more tense and restless. The support from your younger brother or sister will make you confident. You may take a decision with your courage and would work hard for that. So be patient and continue your work. Money will come with your hard work only. Relation with spouse will be generally good. Children will do better and they can get the desired result.
The beginning of the week indicates that you will be working as a highly responsible person for the welfare of family. You would be spending money with both hands on the progress of family people. In the mid of the week you would enjoy association of your friends and relatives. You would be supporting your all family members including friends, relatives and siblings. You might go on a journey to a place of tourist attraction along with your friends. The concluding part of the week indicates that you would be spending money on the health of your mother and maintenance of your vehicle and house. Although you would be near your native place but some mental agonies won't keep you very happy. You might suffer from the problems of mood swings. You are advised not to take up a new task during this time and avoid going on a journey. Keep your patience intact so that you do not become victim of unnecessary mental tensions.
A month during which the favourable turn of fortune is beneficial for your health. Even a marked susceptibility to having one's digestive organs disorder would be relieved during this period as will also chronic disorders of the stomach. This of course does not mean that all caution is abandoned. Normal precautionary measures should be maintained.
There is also reason for you to be careful about any trouble like cold, cough or bronchitis. This should be promptly treated. Any delay in this would not be to your advantage at all. A fairly encouraging month, when you can expect to remain quite fit.
The augury from the stars is not particularly encouraging in so far as your financial prospects are concerned. There are clear chances that some of you would be influenced by a mean streak that would goad you on to severely exploiting some of your juniors, workers or just people below you in the social strata for personal ends.
Your efforts would meet stiff resistance and an extremely unpleasant situation could come about, curb such tendencies very firmly, failing which you would only have yourself to blame. The climate would also not be congenial for investment or launching any new ventures. Any such plans should, therefore, be shelved for the time being.
This month there are the makings of a good month for your career prospects, but certain influences would prevent any fruitful realization from coming about. You would be influenced by a mean streak that would goad you on to severely exploit your juniors and subordinate. This would lead a lot of discontent against you. Try not to let such a situation come about and curb this streak in the best possible manner.
Contacts that could have helped you considerably, will somehow not be helpful during this period. So will travel, of which there could be a fair amount, though there could be some marginal percentage for you in a sojourn towards the north. Curb your erratic tendencies and remain patient.
This month your pursuits in education should fare quite well since the stars are favourably disposed. Technical students would perform in an outstanding manner some feats involving skill and dexterity. Some of you may well go on to score notable success in this area of effort.
The artistically inclined would also fare well. In any case, most of you would be blessed with a clarity of mind and sharper mental faculties which will make learning much quicker and easier. Those sitting for competitive examinations can look forward to success, provided they sincerely put in at least the normal kind of effort.
A month during which the prospects of gains from travel are from bright, since the stars are not in mood to bless your affairs with such conditions. Your job or business would require you to undertake a fair amount of travel though it is very significant that you would not achieve any significant measure of source in these effort.
You would travel within the country and almost entirely by rail and by road. Your tours are unlikely to take your very far from home-base. The most favourable direction would be South, though during the ensuring period, nothing very beneficial may come of it.
This month, the affairs of your family are unlikely to have smooth sailing since the stars are not favourably disposed. There are indications that some of you would have serious tensions with your brother, leading to unpleasant situations. There are further possibilities of similar tensions with the elders of the family.
In both instances, you must not lose your cool, and refuse to be drawn into any sort confrontation. This should keep things under control to a large extent. There is also the likelihood of expenses mounting out of control and creating all kinds of problems. You must plan your expenses carefully well in advance, since this would help to a large extent.
This month you can expect far fewer problems from your children than is normally the case since the stars are in an obliging mood. Once onto a track most of them would do quite well in their pursuits. This means that in a routine sort of way they would be able to get quite a lot of fruitful work done in any given time-span.
On the other hand, some of them may display a great deal of ingenuity in working their way round instructions. This may have to be firmly dealt with in some cases. Though an outstanding performance is not to be expected, still this would be above average.
In the beginning of the year Saturn would be in 4th house in Aquarius and Rahu would be in 5th in Pisces and on 29th March Saturn would move into 5th house in Pisces. On 30th May Rahu would move into Aquarius in 4th house. In the beginning of the year Jupiter would be in 7th house in Taurus and on 14th May it would move into Gemini in 8th house and after that it would enter into sign Cancer in 9th house with rapid motion and then again it would move into Gemini sign in 8th house on 5th December.
The beginning of this year would bring in excellent results for your work. The time period is auspicious for expansion of business and partnership and you would be enjoying the cooperation of friends, partners and spouse.
After May the time period won't be very favorable for work and the situation of ups and downs in business would give tensions to you. Your enemies might create difficulties for you therefore do not start any new business.
Wealth, Property
Financially it would prove to be an excellent year. The support of siblings would prove beneficial to improve your financial position. The continuity in the inflow of money would increase your savings.
After May the transit of Jupiter is auspicious for financial matters. That time your savings shall increase again. Your money shall get spent on curing the health problem of some family member.
Work, Profession
This year is average for family life. The relation with spouse shall improve. If you are of marriageable age then you are likely to get married. Your social reputation shall get enhanced.
After the month of May there shall be sudden problems in family life and the peace in family might get disturbed because of difference of opinion with some family member or the deterioration of health of somebody. The health of parents and sun might get affected.
Family & Society
This year won't be excellent for your children. In the beginning of the year the 5th house Rahu is bad for children's health and especially the pregnant females are advised to be more cautious. The education of children might get affected.
The time period is auspicious for the progress of second child. The latter half of the year is also not auspicious for conceiving, pregnant ladies and children.
The beginning of the year is good for your health. You would be satisfied mentally. The first half of the year is favorable for enhancing immunity. You would develop positive thinking and perform everything in a positive manner. You shall prefer to have vegetarian food.
Your health might deteriorate in the second half of this year andyou might suffer from health troubles like breathlessness, infectious disease and stomach related troubles.
Career & Competition
This year is very average for success in competitive examinations. You shall have to work very hard for your success in such examinations.
The time period is not auspicious for educational success. Those who are unemployed have to wait for some more time for getting employment.
Travel & Transfer
This is going to be an excellent year for journey and you are likely to go abroad also after 14th May. Those doing job are likely to get transferred to a place against their choice.
After 14th May you will be going on short and long journeys frequently. You would visit some place of pilgrimage too.
Religious Deeds & Propitiation of Planets
The beginning of the year would be auspicious for religious activities and you would get attracted towards religious activities like Puja, Hawan, pilgimage etc. After May you won't get much time to perform such activities.
1. Offer Arghya to Sun daily.
2. Donate black articles of use on Saturday.
3. Observe fast on Thursday & donate yellow sweets, banana etc.
General Characteristics Scorpio
Scorpio is the astrology sign of extremes and intensity. Scorpios are very deep, intense people, there is always more then meets the eye. They present a cool, detached and unemotional air to the world yet lying underneath is tremendous power, extreme strength, intense passion and a strong will and a persistent drive. Scorpios have a very penetrative mind, do not be surprised if they ask questions, they are trying to delve deeper and figure things out and survey the situation. They always want to know why, where and any other possible detail they can possibly know. Scorpio's are very weary of the games that other people try to play and they are very aware of it. Scorpios tend to dominate and control anyone that lets them, or anyone that they find weak. The person that a Scorpio respects and holds close to them is treated with amazing kindness, loyalty and generosity. On the outside, a Scorpio has great secretiveness and mystery. This magnetically draws people to them. They are known to be controlling and too ambitious but only because they need control for this makes them feel safe. The Scorpio-born are strong willed and mysterious, and they know how to effortlessly grab the limelight, as they possess what it takes to achieve their goals. They have a magnetic charm that can’t be ignored. Like an Arien they do not keep a naked sword with them rather they are mental warriors. Words are well chosen. Do not interfere in others’ matters. They can be highly successful in politics because of their diplomatic tendencies. They are extremists in the matters of love and enmity. They are very complex and it is little difficult to understand them.
They are arrogant and self centered too. It is a sign of dictators, energy inexhaustible. Can never display a superficial knowledge till he thinks he is thorough. Enormous confidence in executive ability. Good conversationists as well as writers and rely too much on their own intelligence. Reputation for secret crimes. Scorpions are natural detectives, and they are not the ones to easily take things on their face value. As they have a deep desire to ‘find’ answers, the fields like medical research, psychology and journalism, especially investigative journalism might appeal to them. Often, people trust the Scorpio-born with their inner most secrets and most valuable possessions, and therefore, there is a great scope for them to make a brilliant career in the fields wherein they will have to manage others’ business. The Scorpio may perform exceedingly well as doctors, engineers, ecologists, navigators, market analysts, pathologists, soldiers etc. Mining operations, oil drilling and archaeology are also associated with this Sign. Take part in public movements, advisor / leader in society, successful in defence or police service, have number of enemies. Makes excellent research worker on original and novel lines. Can do better if left alone to work. Fond of outdoor sports. Can become proficient in music, art, dance, etc. Immense ability for occultism. Immense appetite for sex and treat partner like a beast.
Liable to suffer from diseases of generative organs, prostate glands, bladder etc.
Physical features Scorpio
Middle stature, well proportioned body and limbs, broad face, curly hair, dark complexion,prominent chin
Auspicious years - 29 to 45,
Inauspicious years - 11, 28, 38, 52, 62
Their lucky gem is Coral.