Characteristics of Each Sign

Dr. Arun Bansal | 01-Apr-2015

Views: 6127


Physical Features

Middle stature, lean and muscular body, neither stout nor thick, long face and neck, broad head, mark or scar on head or temples, teeth well set, round eyes, curly hairs.


Auspicious years - 16,20, 28, 34, 41, 48, 51

Inauspicious years - 1, 3, 6, 8, 15, 21, 36, 40, 45, 56, 63

Ambitious, pushful and aggressive nature. Stubborn but frank, have practical ideas. Loves beauty, art and elegance. Adventurous, fond of argument and debate, never hesitates to pick up a quarrel. Fanaticism in religious matters, impatience. Afraid of water, fond of travelling, life full of struggle in the beginning. Ability to plan, quick actions, executive ability. Gets bored in long-term plan, Marvellous ability to rise to the occasion in terms of emergency but no endurance to cope with prolonged hardships. Visionary, idealistic, sets up own standards of right and wrong. Dislikes small undertakings and prefers to scheme and takes up large and extensive plans. Good nature and charm attracts opposite sex. Self-made, sexual, often unsuccessful in love affairs. Love for home and family. They always try to be in the midst of family members. Keep their house neat and clean. Enjoys high position in government. Liable to suffer from headache, burns, high fever, paralysis, pimples, migraine, small pox, and neurological problems. Require plenty of rest and sleep and also good food with plenty of vegetables.


Physical features

Middle stature, generally plump body, broad forehead, thick and stout neck, beautiful and attractive face, eyes and ears large, broad shoulders and well developed muscles, wheatish complexion, white teeth, heavy thighs, curly hairs, mole on back or armpit.


Loving nature, fond of beauty, music, colour and artistic ways. Fond of ease, love and luxury, good food. If not listened to attentively, they act like bull. Physical powers and mental endurance is noteworthy. Having good friends. Straight-forward and natural. Considers pros and cons before arriving at any conclusion. Amass wealth, applies caution in spending. Self reliant, have their own principles and ways. Being highly diplomatic, too difficult to be understood. Precise worker, usually good in memory which helps to remember even the slightest details. Can carryout any plan cheerfully and successfully. Employed in best paid professions, like to trade in luxury goods like electronics, cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry etc. They become excellent actors, musicians, film producer’s etc. May be employed in girls school or ladies club. Lucky, spends money in ornaments, gardening, horticulture etc. Practical in material affairs. Always beloved of fair sex and generally be gets large member of female children. Divorce is rare in married life. Liable to suffer from tonsillitis, diphtheria, pyorrhea, cold, constipation. Suffer mental imbalance at least once in life. Suffer mental agony due to family problems during the age 8 to 16 and 36 to 47, should be cautious during the age of 46 to 51. Should not loose heart during difficult periods. 1,2,8,33,44 and 61 are inauspicious years during the life.


Physical features

Tall and well formed body, height above average, long slender hands, moderate complexion, depression near chin, active and clear speech, sharp and active eyes, black eyes, long nose, mole on face.


Bold with keen understanding of human nature, humane and sympathetic. Remarkable for ingenuity, originality and intellectual ability, capable of grasping situations on spur of moment. Liable to lose from fraud and deception. Get providential help. Unusual power of adaptability. Variable temperament, restlessness, impatience. Gain competence in all mental pursuits. Lack in determination, quick decision and concentration. Tend to become experts in mechanical sciences. Business like attitude and have wealth of information in every matter. Many brilliant conversationists, poets, orators, writers, musicians, are born in this sign. Follow two occupations. Can take up new assignments and be successful in them. Suffer continuous misfortune in service. Gets honour in society. Obstacles and losses through females. They must be cautious in moving with opposite sex. Interested in philosophy and religion. Weakness for women and adept in winning their affection. Always welcome to any social gathering. Marriage is full of interest and excitement for them. Liable to suffer from colds, bronchitis, T.B. eosinophilia, influenza. 33 years to 46 years is the golden period of their life. Suffer during 47 to 56 of age, unlucky during birth to 6th year of age and from 21 to 32.


Physical Features

Short stature, dwarfs, large upper body, frail constitution in childhood, strong in manhood, round face with timid look, pale and dull complexion, brown hair, walks with rolling gait, teeth thick and broad, broad shoulders, do not walk straight.


Famous for fertile imagination and ability to imitate others with ease. Many famous mimics and actors are born under this sign. Receptive to new ideas and adept themselves to new environment. Accumulate wealth through hard work. Can take up occupation of fluctuating nature. Best suited to commercial career, especially to the trade of catering. Good writers, orators, leaders in society, advisors. Short tempered and impatient. Changeable and fluctuating making the person moody. Not to be relied upon. Very talkative, self reliant, honest and unbending. Have reputation for love of justice and fair play. Excellent memory. Famous for their true hospitality. Gain favour of intelligent people, independent temperament. Deeply attached to family and children. Ideal life partners. Often prey to women. Lead wandering and restless life. Liable to suffer from infection of lungs, bronchitis, T.B., dyspepsia, flatulence, nervous debility, jaundice etc. Luck favours in profession during the age 21 to 36, financial problemsincrease in number of enemies during the age of 37 to 52 and excellent period during the age of 56-69. 5, 25, 40, 48 and 62 are the inauspicious years in life.


Physical features

Full stature with well developed bones and broad shoulders, commanding and majestic appearance, oval faced, upper part of the body generally well formed, thin waist, blue or yellow eyes.


Expressive, forceful, dominant and born to rule. Frank, generous, magnanimous and ambitious. Firm will and forgiving spirit. Voracious readers. Fond of pleasure and luxury even with limited resources. Capable of inspiring confidence. Jealous of own fame and unlikely to fall a victim of flattery. The main characteristics is the habit of silence. Journey of eastern direction or working while sitting towards east direction is very helpful. Self-confidence and self-possession are secrets of their success. Endurance and confidence to make through any difficult task. Makes use of every opportunity that arises. Interested in drama, poetry and fine arts. Loyalty for either king or own family is supreme. Potential speculator or punter. Successful in government job, army or police. Gets specialization in one field. Charm, attracts opposite sex, ideal lover. Very sexy, fond of non-vegetarian food, fond of wandering in distant places, mountain, hills etc, afraid of cold. Likely to suffer from inflammation, sunstroke, epilepsy, rheumatic fever, spinal meningitis, heart problem etc. Good period during the age of 19 to 36, suffers during the age of 37 to 42, health problems – difficulties- litigation during the age of 46 to 62. Very fortunate at the age of 21,28 and 35. Accident through vehicle or the age of 66. 5, 13, 28 and 48 are the inauspicious years in life.


Physical features

Medium height, dark hair and eyes, quick active walk, often appears younger than age, chest prominent, straight nose, thin and shrill voice, curved eyebrows with much of hair growth, mark either on throat or thighs.


Highly intelligent, ingenious and analytical. Too critical of other people’s faults and feelings. Good linguist and have scientific turn of mind for learning anything and everything. Discriminating and emotional to get easily carried away by impulse. Nervous, lacking self-confidence, methodical, ability to present an idea in great detail. Cautious regarding their own interests, prudent, economical, diplomatic and shrewd. Remarkable for house keeping. Mathematician, physician or interest in occult subjects. Should guard against digestive troubles. Liable to suffer from dysentery, typhoid, gall stone etc. Delay in marriage. Peaceful and pleasant domestic life, have limited number of children. Good income, success in profession, owner of property. Fond of being administered medicine even for insignificant complaint. Being earthy sign, taken pleasure in gardening and agriculture. Fond of accumulating wealth. Adventurous, successful in life during age of 20 to 25, Owns house during the age of 25 to 35, suffers during the age of 36 to 48 and sudden gains/ fortunate during the age of 49 to 62. Very fortunate during the age 23 to 24. 4, 16, 22, 36, and 55 are the inauspicious years in life. May suffer from T.B. during the last stage of life.


Physical features

Tall slender, well proportioned strong body, handsome appearance, fine skin, baldness in middle age, eyebrows add to the beauty, nose little bent like parrot, gap in teeth, raised forehead.


Gentle, compassionate, courteous and honest. Famous for judgement, weighs pros and cons thoroughly before coming to a conclusion. Covets the prosperity of others but never fails to help dependents. Upright and sympathetic but flexible and sensitive. Anger is soon pacified. Thinks of others more than self. Can argue with clarity and foresight. Always for justice, harmony, love and peace at any cost. Being airy sign, ardent lover of nature and its beauties. Changes abode to undertake frequent travels. Loves high standard of living. Takes interest in their dress, furniture, conveyance, and other comforts. Have another name in the name of god/goddess. Expert trader. Usually popular, makes a good business partner. Wins goodwill and popularity in public. Make good salesman, liaison officers, and receptionists. Lover of art and female society. Loved by fortunate females. Liable to suffer from problems in kidneys, pain in spines and infectious diseases. Females may have problem in uterus. Make good progress during the age of 18 to 27, earn wealth during the age of 28 to 42. 8, 15, 35, 62 and 64 are inauspicious years in life.


Physical features

Middle stature, well proportioned body and limbs, broad face, curly hair, dark complexion, prominent chin


Frank, fearless and brusque. Fertile mind, intelligent, will power. Words are well chosen. Do not interfere in others’ matters. Notorious for many outstanding characteristics. It is a sign of dictators, energy inexhaustible. Can never display a superficial knowledge till he thinks he is thorough. Enormous confidence in executive ability. Good conversationists as well as writers and rely too much on their own intelligence. Reputation for secret crimes. Earn wealth through hard work and courage, self-made. Take part in public movements, advisor/leader in society, successful in defence or police service, have number of enemies. Makes excellent research worker on original and novel lines. Can do better if left alone to work. Fond of outdoor sports. Can become proficient in music, art, dance, etc. Immense ability for occultism. Immense appetite for sex and treat partner like a beast. Liable to suffer from diseases of generative organs, prostate glands, bladder etc. Fortunate during the age of 29 to 45, suffer from chronic diseases or undergoes operation during the age of 62 to 71. 11,28,38,52,62 are the inauspicious years of life.


Physical features

Well developed and handsome figure, almond eyes, brown hair, high and bushy eyebrows, long face, long nose, graceful look, not a straight walk, thick nose/ ears/ teeth/ lips.


Free, generous, honest, reliable, god-fearing. Alert, intuitive and burrows to the point easily. Short sighted or hunchbacked. Straight forward in dealings and has high sense of justice. Too conventional and business like. Sometimes restless and overanxious. Dual temperament. Versatile, desirous to know something of everything. Disposition is happy and cheerful. Adaptable, content with simple life. Lover of art and poetry, has creative ability. Respecter of law, rarely gets involved in legal affairs. Desire for learning philosophy and occult subjects. Exercises strict control over food, drinks and relation with opposite sex. Neatness, orderliness, being methodical, and diligence contribute towards success. Has self-confidence. Never leaves off the work on hand unfinished. Gets favour from govt, inherits property. Liable to suffer from sciatica, rheumatic pain, hipbone fracture, gout, lung problems etc. Successful as a teacher, public speaker, heads of religious institution, judge, advocate etc. Satisfactory financial position during the age of 18 to 37, domestic problems during the age of 38 to 47, all round prosperity during the age of 61 to 69. 2, 10, 18, 31, 38, and 42 are the inauspicious years of life.


Physical features

Weak slender body and constitution improving with age, large teeth, big mouth, prominent nose, dark coarse hair, thin and oval face, hunch – backed, scar or mole on the knee cap, jaws similar to that of crocodile, short forehead, long teeth, beard with less hair.


Prudence, thoughtfulness, reasoning, love of power. Self-reliant and highly intellectual. Not optimistic in any matter till succeeds. Works on facts and statistics and makes use of them in worldly affairs. Honest, sincere and economic. While cannot be intimidated by force, he melts like wax in warmth of friendship and goodness. Special organizing ability. Even in adverse circumstances rarely asks for help. Impediment in speech. Fit for public work and position of prominence. Best suited for jobs in finance department or in technical field. Cannot cultivate friendship easily with strangers but is social with earlier friends. Not fit for romance but provides all comforts to family and loved ones. Protects family like a hen. Very slow and cautious in dealing with opposite sex, has sexual relations with females older than himself. Likely to suffer from injury near the knee cap, skin disease, bruises, dislocation of bones, urticaria, rheumatism etc. Fear of injury from fire, arms or iron during childhood. Enjoys life during age of 33 to 49, suffers bodily at the age of 50-51. 5, 13, 27, 36, 57, 62 and 67 are the inauspicious years of life.


Physical features : Middle stature, well built and strong, round and handsome face, cheeks broad, prominent temples and buttocks, fair complexion, brown shade hair, defective teeth, mole or scar in the calf muscle, body full of hair, hands and feet thick, prominent veins.


Humanitarian, healthy outlook on life and its problems. Interested in all progressive things. Reserved, weighs everything before executes or watches and waits till others execute. Caution, patience, concentration, studiousness never leave him. Their conversation is always interesting. Straightforward temperament, admired by all. Kind, fond of learning and inspires noble thoughts. Love of nature, kind disposition. Consistent in friendship, strong in likes and dislikes. Love for solitude. They develop intuition and inspiration. Interested in deep meditation and concentration. Retentive memory, research on scientific lines. Works for common and downtrodden. Earn money through modern machineries, investments and discoveries, interested in technical education. Fondness for home. Preferences for equally intelligent and educated partner irrespective of age. Home well furnished having collection of antiques managed in modern fashion. Do not give expression to their love. If lovers are passionate, they will not be satisfied as aquarian may appear to be cold. Liable to suffer from infectious disease, tooth problems, tonsils etc. Prosperity during the age of 22 to 40, chances of injury by arms, iron or wood during the age of 41 to 43, fortunate during the age of 44 to 67, suffers after the age of 68, 28, 33, 48, and 64 are the inauspicious years of life.


Physical features

Short, full and plumpy figure with considerably small hand and feet, soft and silky hair, fair complexion, sparkling face, attractive and handsome, eyes big and protruding, shoulders muscular and spherical , dimple chin.


Not an impressive figure. Restless, imaginative and romantic Upright, honest and humane. Changeable temper, swayed by opinion of others. Lacks self-confidence. Extremely sympathetic, forgiving, generous, honest and reliable. Understands own abilities and this quality stands as an impediment in progress. Orthodox, extremely superstitious, reserved, god fearing, rigid in observation of religious customs and practices. Cannot see sufferings even in animals and renders assistance. Lacks ambition and finds difficult to make speedy progress in material zone. Two occupations, adept in any new branch he pursues. Make good employee. Proves successful in transactions dealing with liquids and spirits. They gain in export- import business. Liable to suffer from gastric troubles and injury in ankles and feet. Happy married and domestic life. Prefers beauty of partner, intellectual pursuits and fine arts. Often two marriages, influenced by partner. Prosperity during the age of 27 to 43, suffers during the age of 44 to 60, fortunate during the age of 61 to 69. 8, 13, 36, and 48 are the inauspicious years of life.