Krishna Kapoor | 15-Dec-2015
Views: 2488Krishna Kapoor
It is not known when or where dowsing originated but there is evidence that the practice has been used since ancient times.
In 1518, Martin Luther, the German Priest who initiated and listed dowsing as one of many occult practices that were out lawed by god.
During the twentieth century, organizations and courses in dowsing were created around the world and dowsers were frequently employed by mining and oil companies and consulted on archaeological digs. Today their skill and advice are often sought by people who are house hunting and by those who are searching for answers to question that are difficult to find by other means.
We should follow some steps for dowsing which are following:
- It is important to release your mind and body, take some deep breaths and sit or stand for a moment in time with your surroundings.
- Whatever you want to know from dowsing, formulate your question and you will need to focus your mind on it while holding the instrument.
- Whether dowsing with rods or pendulums, it is useful to start by asking a question you know the answer to and seeing how the instrument reacts.
- Ask the dowsing rod to point in the direction of certain objects around you and see how it responds. If you ask about the location of an object the rod may pull or point in a particular direction.
- When using the rod use your judgment to see how they respond for you.
- To practise using a pendulum, hold the string between your thumb and for finger about two or three inches from the weight at the end and allow the weight to hang down, you might find useful. You have a point at the end of the weight to help show the direction in which it is inclining.
It may swing from side to side or spin in a clockwise or anti clockwise direction when is above the object.
Once you start to become proficient at dowsing you may want to test your technique by asking a friend to hide an object somewhere in a room. Then walk around the room asking the rod or pendulum where the object might be. Once you get to know your instrument and its reaction, you will be ready to start dowsing.
Pendulum are often used to answer questions, these question may be posed either by you or the querent. Formulate the question to formulate his or her question carefully and tell you what it is.
To practice, start by asking a question for which you know the answer is "Yes" and observe how the pendulum responds.
When the pendulum swings back and forth in horizontal line, this is often taken to mean "No" when the pendulum swings back and forth in a vertical line, this is taken to indicate "Yes" when the pendulum swings in a circle, this is sometimes taken to mean perhaps'. However, one can also take the clockwise circle to indicate Yes and the anti-clockwise circle to indicate "No". Once you have established what each movement indicates, you are ready to ask your question.
The pendulum can be held over words written on a piece of paper. The more energetically it swings or spin the more definite the answer.
You need to prepare lists of words or names that are relevant to the question and then see how pendulum responds to each of them.
To discover the date or time of an event, formulate your question and then find a calendar for the day, week, month or year to which the question relates. However the pendulum over the range of likely days or hours in which an event is likely to occur. The pendulum will start to swing when it finds the answer to the question. The more definite the answer, the wider the swing will be.