Dussehra 2019

Indian Astrology | 07-Oct-2019

Views: 13295

What is Dussehra?

Dussehra is a festival that represents the victory of good over evil. It is one of the most remarkable Indian festivals that is celebrated throughout the country with great enthusiasm and joy. This day is celebrated on the 10th day of the Navratri. On this day, Lord Rama defeated the demon Ravana in an epic battle. It is believed that Lord Rama is a swaroop (form) of Lord Vishnu and therefore, this festival holds the highest position in the hearts of the true devotees of Lord Rama and Lord Vishnu.

This festival is very famous in North India where people celebrate it by making effigies of Ravana, Meghanatha, and Kumbhakarna and burning them with crackers. People even watch a Ramleela that comes to an end with this flaming. The artist who plays the role of Rama aims the arrow towards the demon Ravana, in order to ablaze the effigy. There are many beliefs associated with this festival like many people think that it is very auspicious to start a new business or project on Dussehra.

Dussehra 2019 date in India: 8th October
Tithi Begins- 12:37 (7th October)
Tithi Ends- 14:50 (8th October)
Vijay Muhurat for Dashahara 2019- 14:04 to 14:50

How Dussehra is celebrated:

  • Many people throughout the country celebrate this festival by performing a special puja and offering sweets to God in homes or temples. They also put outdoor fairs or Mela on the streets and burn the effigies of the demon Ravana. The effigies are burnt in the evening. Dussehra marks an end to the Navaratri festival. Local events are organized in societies and localities for continuous 10 days.
  • People from different parts of the country celebrate this festival in their own unique way. The festival of Dussehra is famous in Mysore for its beauty and glory. In some places, people celebrate this festival by participating in the Ram Leela that is organized by the local communities and societies.
  • Dussehra is also known as Vijayadashami and it is a very prominent festival in Gujrat and Bengal. In Gujrat, people perform Garba at night and perform an Aarti to seek the blessings of the Goddess. In Bengal, pandals are set up in small localities where people come and perform aarti along with offerings for the Goddess.

The story behind Vijayadashami:

  • According to Hindu Mythology, it is believed that Ma Sita, the wife of Lord Rama was abducted by demon Ravana. Surpanakha who was the sister of Ravana fell in love with the 2 brothers Lord Rama and Laxmana (Lord Rama’s younger brother) and she was very desperate to marry anyone of them. Both the brothers refused to marry her, as a result, she threatened to kill Ma Sita.
  • Laxmana, out of anger cut her nose. To save Sita’s life, Lord Rama fought against the evil Ravana and saved Ma Sita’s life. Lord Hanuman with a huge army of monkeys helped the two brothers to reach the Lanka of the demon and to fight against him.

Significance of Dussehra:

  • In most parts of the country, Ramayana is enacted throughout the 10 days. On the 10th day, when the artist who is performing the role of Lord Rama aims the arrow towards the effigy of the demon Ravana, the effigies are put on fire. This way they portray the fact the truth always wins.
  • People even perform the Vijayadashami Puja but one is advised to perform this puja at the accurate Vijayadashami time. This festival symbolizes the victory of good over evil. This day is known as Vijay Dashmi because Lord Rama fought against Ravana as he abducted Ma Sita, wife of Lord Rama. On this day, Lord Rama achieved victory therefore, from that day this day is known as Vijay Dashmi.

How to perform Vijayadashami Puja:

  • The puja will take place in the north-east direction of your home. Therefore, the individual is advised to look for an auspicious place in his/her home in the same direction.
  • It will be great if the entire family is involved in the puja. But, there’s no reason to worry if you are living alone then also you can perform this puja at your place. Make sure that you are performing the Puja in a peaceful and silent place.
  • Clean the area in which you want to perform the puja and make an Ashtadal Chakra ( circle of 8 lotus petals).
  • This puja is known as the Aparajita puja and it is the main part of the Vijaydashmi for all the worshippers. After this, take a Sankalp and perform this puja for attaining the blessings of the Lord.
  • One can also chant the following mantra while performing the puja.

“Shami Shamayate Papam Shami Lokhitkantaka,
Dharinyarjunbananam Ramasya Priyavadini,
Karishmanyatraya Yathakal such mya,
Tatra Nirvighanktri Twam Bhav Sree Rampujite”
शमी शमयते पापं शमी लोहितकण्टका ।
धारिण्यर्जुनबाणानां रामस्य प्रियवादिनी ।।
करिष्यमाणयात्रायां यथाकाल सुखं मया ।

May every individual get blessings of Lord Rama and Ma Sita this Dussehra! You can also Book Laxmi Puja from Indian Astrology to bring peace and prosperity in your life. This puja brings home good luck and positivity. Indian Astrology wishes you Happy Dussehra!