Indian Astrology | 01-Jan-2014
Views: 26670Do not use sharp light or a chandelier in this corner as it will be very harmful. Red coloured things represent Fire. Keeping it in North-West is harmful. This raises the possibility of sabotage. It is possible that nobody may turn up when you are badly in need of help.
Never keep the broom in open particularly in dining room because it will indicate cleaning away of food and money. If the broom is kept outside the house in front of main door as overturned (backside upwards), it safeguards the house from intruders but this should be done only in night. In daytime, broom should be kept hidden to avoid the bad eye of others.
A small bell may be hanged on the outside handle of maindoor. This bell will indicate entry of good luck in your home while the coins are symbols of entry of wealth. Never keep coins on back door because back door indicates exit of good things.
This God of wealth is not worshipped but it is kept decorated as its presence is considered as auspicious and symbolic.
If you are alone and wish to get married, you may keep love birds or its picture in your bedroom. However it should be remembered that only a pair of birds is to be kept. Neither a single bird nor 3 birds are permitted. Keeping a single bird may keep you single . Three birds may bring a third person in your relationship. Remember that in the pair, one duck should be male and another female.
Windchime is a unique method of enhancing fortune at home. The number of rods and metal of windchime are important. Windchime should not be hanged in every area. A chime having 6 rods should be hanged in North-West corner of drawing room because element of this area is Metal and windchimes indicate Metal. The windchime is used for enhancing good fortune and eliminating bad days.
If you wish to change the direction of poisonous arrows, use a windchime having 5 rods. This will crush bad luck. A 7 rod windchime may be hanged in West area of your home. The west is related to children and creativity. According to Lo-Shu chart, the number of this area is 7. The 7 rod windchime will enhance the energy of this area.
If this corner lies in bedroom, take care that in this painting of jungle, water should not be present. This picture can be hanged in South-East corner of drawing room.
Childless couples : Sometimes due to stress, air pollution etc. the temperature of womb is not maintained and conceiving becomes difficult. Feng shui gives some solutions to increase the possibilities of conceiving. Every person has a separate direction of fortune that is called his specific Yen direction. For success in conceiving, a room should be chosen at the yen place of husband, heads should be in Yen direction. The poisonous arrows should be avoided. There should be no beams. When trying for birth of a child, light romantic music should be listened.
Sharp corners of furniture should be rounded : The sharp corners and edges of furniture should be rounded and smoothened because these are sources of bad energy. The new furniture should preferably be rectangular with rounded corners.
There should not be three doors in a row : Three doors in a row is a dangerous Feng Sui fault because Chi passes from these doors at a fast speed and persons residing in last room of the house are badly affected.
Avoid purchase of top floor flat : Before buying a top floor flat of a building, ensure that overhead tank of water for the building is not situated above it. Overhead tank above the flat, particularly above bedroom is a serious fault according to Feng shui.
The main door should be free from a barrier : The main door is the most important part of a house because good energy and fortune enter the home from here. Inside and outside of main door, there should be no barriers because it can convert good luck into bad. Shoe box, old newspapers etc should not be kept near the main door.
An organized house gives good health : The house should be well organized. Its paint should not be withered. Leaking taps should be repaired, fused bulbs should be changed, broken glasses of windows must be replaced, glasses must be cleaned. The health of the house is directly related with health of its residents.
Do not keep dressing table before the door : Keeping the dressing table before the door causes stress in the relationships. Its mirror will reflect back the useful Chi. This may cause some detachment with the user of this room.
Bell on the main door is essential : Bell gives the information about arrival of a visitor. In the absence of the bell, the visitor knocks at the door that generates bad energy. This energy causes tension and dispute. Therefore a bell is essential in every home.
Routine must be organized : The daily routine should not be changed unnecessarily. When there is an unexpected change in routine, sleep is disturbed, which may cause an unexpected event. Routine should be well organised.
Do not keep goods under the bed : There should be empty space below the cot so that Chi may flow there. The material kept under the bed causes obstruction in the flow of Chi that may generate bad energy.
Semicircular plot is good for the house : A house situated in a semicircular plot is regarded as very good in Feng shui. This gives wealth and prestige to owner. If flowering plants are kept near the house, good luck is enhanced.
Keep stress away : If the house owner is suffering from severe stress or mental problem, he will find that decoration of his house has many faults. The house should be decorated tastefully. This will bring new energy in the life. Let the life move forward. Feng Shui will bring new joys. There should be no window behind the chair. If it is difficult to remove the window, heavy curtains should be used. In South, light 9 nos. red candles in a beautiful candle stand. Decide the direction of sleeping according to the personal trigram.
Keep a windchime of 7 rods in West for gain in confidence : According to Feng shui, the element of West is Metal. The western area of house is related to children and creativity. According to Lo-shu chart, a windchime of 7 rods increases energy in this area. The confidence and capacity to work increase. This windchime at home may give wealth all of a sudden.
Do not keep files of litigation in Fire angle : Feng shui has thought about the place for keeping files of lawsuit or any dispute. These files should never be kept in angle of fire element. Never keep the papers of disputes in cash box, safe etc along with fixed deposit receipts etc. If these papers are kept below the picture or statue of Gods, then good results will follow.
For fame : If you are an artist, actor, write or engaged in a business where fame is essential, find South in your office by compass and decorate that area by pictures of dancing peacocks, flying eagles and swans.
There should not be any factory in front of the house : A factory in front of the house is inauspicious. This can cause the fall of family, health will suffer. To avoid these ill effects :
Install a lamp post in front of the house at some distance.
Install a big balloon near the house.
Plant trees such as ashok in front of the house.
If a corner of the house is confronting the corner of a nearby house, avoid conflict : If a corner of the house is being affected by the corner of the opposite house, this causes hurdles in progress, disputes and litigations. Construction of a triangular glass shade on roof top can bring prosperity to both neighbours. Keep a hexagonal mirror on the outer part of roof. This mirror may be hidden behind a curtain.
The flat should not be just above the pillars : Now-a-days buildings are constructed on the pillars to get the space for parking. A flat on 1st floor of such buildings should not be purchased because life of persons residing in such a flat does not remain stable. The reason for it is that energy flows freely below such flats. Such a flat should be discarded.
Directions for rain of money : Care must be exercised in choice of directions while constructing a house. If the doors in the house are located in auspicious directions, money flows in. According to Feng shui there must be a wall in the middle of house that acts like a curtain so that the jolt of the incoming money may be stopped.
Keep walls in good condition : The walls that are not straight or have a joint in the middle are harmful and bring poverty. The market, business centre or factory built at such places must be made rectangular. The additional place available should be used for planting trees.
Do not keep statues in North : A statue should never be installed in North, it can destroy everything. Except North wall, anything can be kept elsewhere.
Stairs should not be built in the North-East corner : The activities in the corner of North-East destroy youth and money and bad days arrive. The people lose their peace.
Improvement in fortune : A tub for bathing of birds or a pond or a fountain in front of the house destroys the poisonous arrows coming from gate to main door and luck shines.
Do not buy a triangular plot : A plot of triangular shape brings disputes. The owner has to visit the courts regularly. If someone is forced to use such a plot, there should not be doors near the corners of the plot. Plants should be kept near the corners so that they appear covered.
If there are tall buildings on both sides of the house, do not buy it : If there are taller buildings on both sides of the house, this causes harm in business and health. To avoid this misfortune, make a tank of water on the roof in North or East so that image of the tall building may be seen in it. This will be highly beneficial.
For improvement of relationships : For improvement in personal relations, hang a picture of jasmine flower in South-East or South-West wall of bed room. The lord of jasmine is planet of love Venus. By this, love between married persons increases.
Avoid migraine : It can be seen on the Feng Shui chart that headache comes from North-West because North-West is related to mind. For solving this problem do not keep shoes or chappals in North-West corner of bed room. Keep a white handkerchief with grey embroidery on its corners under the mattress of bed.