How to know your Astrological Sign
Indian Astrology | 14-Feb-2025
Views: 317According to astrology, the astrological sign is given a lot of importance. In Hinduism, there is a lot of faith in the Muhurta, zodiac sign, etc. Therefore, before doing any auspicious work, people of Hinduism get the Shubh Muhurta found out. This Muhurta also falls on different days according to the zodiac sign. When marriage takes place in Hinduism. Then the astrology sign of the boy and the girl is also matched. After this when the gunas are matched according to their signs.
People have a question in their mind: what is their Rashi? Some zodiac signs are determined only by the date of birth, while some zodiac signs are known by name, birthplace, and time of birth. After all, what is your birth sign? If you also do not know about your zodiac sign, then we will solve your problem and tell you how you can know about your rashifal from the date of birth and name.
Choose your zodiac sign:
According to astrology, there are two types of zodiac signs. A Sun sign and a moon sign. The Moon sign is considered our birth sign. The zodiac sign in which the Sun is located at the time of birth is called the Sun sign. At the time of birth, the zodiac sign in which the Moon is at the time is the Moon sign of the child; it is called a zodiac sign. The Sun stays in one zodiac sign for one month and the moon transits there every two and a quarter days. It changes the zodiac sign. According to Western astrology scholars, the Sun sign reveals the true nature of a person, while the Moon sign determines a person’s thoughts and feelings.
If a person does not know his date of birth, time of birth, etc., then it will not be possible to make his horoscope and to know the Moon sign at the time of birth. Then his zodiac sign is determined by the first letter of his name. It is not necessary that the collective prediction is correct for every person, the actual prediction is made by the planetary combinations or samudrik signs at the time of birth, but the daily constellations and moon keep influencing the general behavior.
According to Sun your Sun sign:
The Sun sign is calculated according to the month, it is more prevalent in Western countries. For example, if a person is born in the month of December, then his zodiac sign will be Sagittarius.
- 21st March to 19th April: Aries sign
- 20th April to 20th May: Taurus sign
- 21st May to 21st June: Gemini sign
- 22nd June to 22nd August: Leo sign
- 23rd August to 22nd September: Virgo sign
- 24th September to 23rd October: Libra sign
- 24th October to 22nd November: Scorpio sign
- 23rd November to 21st December: Sagittarius sign
- 22nd December to 19th January: Capricorn sign
- 20 January to 18th February: Aquarius sign
- 19th February to 20th March: Pisces sign
According to the name zodiac sign:
Any person should know his zodiac sign before looking at the horoscope. Let us know how the zodiac sign is determined according to the name. You have to check the first letter of your name in the zodiac given below and know your zodiac sign is from the first letter of your name.
- Aries: Aries is the zodiac sign of those people whose first letter of the name of which starts with chu, che, cho, la, li, lu, le, lo, and aa. The lord of this zodiac sign is Mars.
- Taurus: People whose first letter of the name starts with e, u, a , o, va, vi, vu, vo. All of them have Taurus as their zodiac sign. The lord of this sign is Venus.
- Gemini: People whose zodiac sign is Gemini. Their name starts with ka, ki, ku, d, gha, chha, ke, ko, ha. The lord of this sign is Mercury.
- Cancer: People whose name starts with hee, hu, he, ho, da, dee, du, de, do, and their zodiac sign is Cancer. The lord of this sign is the Moon.
- Leo: People whose zodiac sign is Leo, are very ambitious. People whose name starts with Ma, mee, mu, me, mo, ta, tee, too, te, their zodiac sign is Leo. The lord of this sign is the Sun
- Virgo: People whose name in childhood is Dho, p, pee, poo, sha, na, tha, pe, po, their zodiac sign is called Virgo. The lord of this sign is Mercury.
- Libra: People whose name starts with Ra, ri, ru, re, ro, ta, ti, tu, te, their zodiac sign is called Libra. The lord of this sign is Venus.
- Scorpio: People whose name starts with Na, nee, nu, ne, no ya, yi, yu. People with the Scorpio zodiac meet people very politely. The lord of this sign is Mars.
- Sagittarius: If your name or the name of any person in your family starts with Ya, yo, bha, bhi, bhu, dha, fa, bhe, then your or that person’s zodiac sign is Sagittarius. The lord of this sign is Jupiter
- Capricorn: If the first letter of a person’s name starts with Bho, ja, jee, khee, khoo, khe, kho, da, then that person’s zodiac sign is called Capricorn. His lucky number is 8. The lord of this sign is Saturn.
- Aquarius: People whose name starts with Gu, ge, sa, si, su, se, so, da, then their zodiac sign is Aquarius. Their lucky number is 8. The lord of this sign is Saturn.
- Pisces: People whose name starts with Di, doo, tha, jha, nya, de, do, cha, chee, their zodiac sign is Pisces. Their lucky number is 3. The lord of this sign is Jupiter.
Difference between the Moon Sign and the Sun sign:
Think of your Sun and Moon signs as two different aspects of your personality. Both can be determined by the position of the Moon and Sun planets at the time of your birth, but they can be quite different. One reveals your personality to the outside world, while the other reveals the personality you keep hidden. Your Sun sign can be easily determined from your date of birth. However, your Moon sign is a bit difficult to figure out as it requires the date of birth, exact time, and place of birth.
Traits associated with each Moon sign:
People can have as many personalities as they want, depending on the company or situation they keep. But in astrology, there are only two: the Moon and the Sun sign. From the outside, you may appear as a strong individual with a strong work ethic. But what is the real you? This is what the Chandra Kundali is for. Some traits with each moon sign:
- Aries: the personality of the Aries Moon can be aggressive, passionate, exciting, and impulsive all at once. This is due to their temperamental ruling planet Mars, which brings out the spontaneous side of their personality. In romance, Aries can be friendly and flirtatious. However, their dominating nature sometimes makes things a little boring.
- Taurus: individuals born with Taurus Moon crave stability, luxury, and comfort. This should be created for their ruling planet Venus, which teaches them to value comfort and security. They are caring and loyal in their relationship.
- Gemini: Gemini natives always have an interest in information, communication, and entertainment. They may seem like the most fun-loving or sociable people but often hide their true feelings behind their carefree personalities. Gemini natives can be emotionally sensitive and unpredictable.
- Cancer: the cancer Moon who are experts in reading the emotions of the people around them. They can not only understand emotions but also adopt them. This personality makes them more popular and trustworthy in their social circles.
- Leo: words like independence, passion, and leadership perfectly define the personality of Leo. Despite their extreme qualities they are full of energy and are easy to talk to. Whether it is helping people express their emotions, Leos are always at the front of the line.
- Virgo: Meet one of the most organized, structured, and analytical moon signs Virgo. Their ruling planet Mercury encourages them to make logical and analytical decisions. This is why their mind always wins in the battle between their mind and heart.
- Libra: Achieving balance and harmony in all aspects of life is the sole mission of Librans. But this is the only thing Librans can be a hundred percent right about. For them everything else is confusing, making them indecisive.
- Scorpio: Scorpios appear cautious, intellectual, and serious from the outside. But what goes on deep inside their minds is something no one understands. Only a select few are allowed to cross those boundaries and see their hidden side.
- Sagittarius: these people are born with a curiosity to know everything. This is why they devote their time to exploring new things, philosophy, travel, or higher education. Exploring the undiscovered is their only life mantra.
- Capricorn: Saturn, the ruling planet of Capricorn natives’ horoscope makes them hardworking, determined, and disciplined. This is why achieving success or touching milestones seems unreal and extra special.
- Aquarius: The Aquarius Moon sign is the most humanitarian and compassionate sign. These people make every effort to ensure that everything around them is right and just.
- Pisces: People with Pisces moon have a very strong spiritual and intellectual side and are often described as old souls. Their strong knowledge makes them trustworthy and friendly people.
Hopefully, these points are clearly explained in the Sun sign and Moon sign. Be aware that you are much more than just the Sun sign. Your ascendant, Moon sign, and planetary placement in your birth chart not only mean more than your Moon sign but also aid you in understanding your accurate birth chart and help you discover your hidden talents. If you want to know your zodiac sign then talk to our best astrologers.