How to use Brihat Prashar Patrika for Better Decision-Making in Life

Indian Astrology | 25-Mar-2025

Views: 36

Brihat Prashar Patrika is one of the most comprehensive and authoritative texts on Vedic astrology, written by Sage Prashara. It provides deep insights into planetary influences, yogas, doshas, and predictive e techniques that can guide you in making informed life decisions. 

With Brihat Parashar Patrika, one can attain a blissful life effortlessly through the detailed 20-Yearly Predictions given in this report. Strictly based on the principles of Vedic Astrology, the Online Janam Kundali Model boasts about Kundali Predictions from the number 1 Astrology Software online. With pristine accuracy, the reports are 100% reliable when it comes to following them. 

The only Horoscope Model that features the 5 key areas of our life, Career, Education, Finance, Health, & Family in a thorough detailed analysis, the Brihat Parashar Patrika can be used as a guide for a marvelous life! Let’s know how you can use Brihat Prashar Patrika to improve your decision-making in different aspects of life.

Understand your birth chart (Kundali) for self-awareness: Brihat Prashar Patrika emphasizes the importance of analyzing the Ascendant (Lagna) and planetary placements to understand strengths and weaknesses.

  • Identify your Lagna Lord and its placement to understand your natural tendencies.
  • Check the Moon sign (Rashi) for emotional intelligence and mental stability.
  • Analyze the navamsa (D9) chart for long-term destiny and strengths.

How it helps in decision-making:

When you know your natural strengths and challenges you can align decisions with your true potential rather than external pressures.

Using planetary periods (Dasha system) to make timely decisions: Brihat Prashar patrika explains Vimshottari Dasha which helps determine favorable and unfavorable periods in life.

  • Check your current Maha Dasha and Antar Dasha to understand life trends.
  • Make major decisions (career, marriage, investments) during beneficial Dasha periods.
  • Avoid risky decisions during malefic planetary periods (Saturn or Rahu Dasha without benefic support).

How it helps in decision-making:

If you are in a favorable Jupiter or Venus Dasha, it’s a great time for education, business, or marriage. If Rahu or Saturn are unfavorable, delay major decisions.

Evaluating transit (Gochar) for short-term planning: Brihat Prashar hora shastra provides guidelines on planetary transits affecting different areas of life.

  • Track Saturn’s transit (Shani Gochar) for career and long-term decisions.
  • Observe Jupiter’s transit (Guru Gochar) for education, finance, and marriage
  • Monitor Rahu-Ketu transits to avoid confusion, illusions, and risky ventures.

How it helps in decision-making:

If Jupiter is transiting your 10th house, it’s a great time for career expansion. If Saturn is transiting the 8th house avoid speculative investments.

Identifying favorable Yogas and Doshas for Decision Support: Brihat Prashar Patrika explains how planetary combinations create Yogas (benefic influences) and Doshas (challenges) in a birth chart.

  • Check if you have powerful Raj Yogas (like Gajakesri, and Dhanyoga) for success.
  • Identify Doshas like Mnaglik Doshas, Kaal Sarp, and Pitra Dosha, and apply remedies before making crucial decisions.
  • Strengthen weak planets with remedies (mantras, donations, gemstones, fasting, etc.).

How it helps in decision-making:

If you have a Dhan Yoga, business is a great option. If Kaal Sarp Dosha affects decision-making, follow mantra remedies before making big choices.

Choosing the right time with Muhurta (auspicious timing) Brihat Prashar Patrika provides guidance on choosing Shubh Muhurta for important life events.

  • Use Nakshatra and Tithi analysis for setting wedding dates, career launches, or financial investments.
  • Avoid major decisions on Amavasya (New Moon) or inauspicious planetary placements

How it helps in decision-making:

If you want to start a business choose a Guru Pushya Nakshatra day or a time when Jupiter and Venus are well-placed.

Strengthening weak planets for better decision-making: brihat Prashar Patrika prescribes astrological remedies to strengthen weak or afflicted planets.

  • For a weak Jupiter (wisdom) donate yellow clothes and chant the Guru mantra.
  • For a weak Moon (emotional stability) wear a pearl and practice meditation.

How it helps in decision-making:

If your mercury is weak, you may struggle with decision-making. Strengthening it with mantras, gemstones, or donations can improve mental clarity.

Why Choose Brihat Parashar Astrology Patrika?

With all the modern world problems it is important to look for solutions to solve our daily problems rather than getting stuck with them. Monthly prediction for three years planetary Dasha analysis for the whole life, complete yoga analysis, Lal Kitab solution and remedies, nakshatra phal detailed prediction about areas of life career education finance, health and family in one complete horoscope report there are millions of reasons why you should choose brihat prashar patrika.

What does Brihat Parashar Patrika include?

Over along with 20 years detailed horoscope prediction it all has month-wise prediction yoga reports, dosha reports, gem stone, and Rudrakhsha recommendation reports there is no end to the various mind blowing features and benefits of Brihat Prashar patrika. Below mentioned some benefits of the patrika:

  • 300+ Page Report: Focuses on extensively detailed study of your kundali and predicts all life aspects related to love life, children, education, marriage, and many more. 
  • Numerology Predictions: Brihat Prashar Patrika also focuses on giving predictions based on numbers and numerology it gives detailed numerology predictions and solutions too. It also included fruitful remedies that benefit your life. 
  • Personality Analysis:  it gives deep analysis of your personality in your Kundali which is your behavior and personality and you as a person.
  • Detailed Analysis of all factors of life: you get provided with a detailed and we will draft a section that provides you with information about your behavior to love life, family spouse career education, social stature, travels, etc.
  • NakshatraPhal: your prediction on constellations and how they are conspiring your future.
  • Lal Kitab Predictions: This section includes the prediction of your birth chart from Lal Kitab and a detailed study of your Kundali in Lal Kitab.
  • Lal Kitab Remedies: After the prediction of your birth chart from Lal Kitab the valuable remedies from Lal Kitab valuable remedies from Lal Kitab are also mentioned in the section which give you detailed and accurate solutions of your problems.
  • Education Predictions for 3 Years
  • Profession & Career Predictions for 3 Years
  • Finance Predictions for 3 Years
  • Family Life Predictions for 3 Years
  • Health Predictions for 3 Years
  • Yearly Predictions on all facets of life
  • Monthly Predictions
  • Yearly Predictions for 20 Years
  • In-Depth Dasha Analysis for Life


The Brihat Parashar Patrika is made by future point with utmost precision and keeping in mind the needs of our clients. Leo Star Kundali Software is the mind behind all this software. Briaht Pararshar is designed to give accurate and precise predictions that benefit you and value the time that you put in. Brihat Parashar Patrika offers a variety of things from numerology to Lal Kitab, remedies, gems, Rudraksha anything one can imagine.