Importance of Chi
Future Point | 01-Jan-2014
Views: 3860
‘Chi’ is spiritual power of a person. It is also called Sheng Chi. 'Chi' has a predominant
role in Feng Shui. 'Chi' is an invisible energy that is found in all living and
non-living objects. In non-living objects it gives a special shape to that object
while in living creatures this energy is invisible.
Feng Shui maintains that destiny of a person is fixed by his birth but it can be
altered by influence of 'Chi'.
Chi is of two types, Live Chi and Dead Chi. Live Chi is positive and beneficial
while Dead Chi is negative and harmful.
Chi is universal energy residing in all living creatures. It can be generated by
various methods. Water flowing at slow speed makes 'Chi' available in abundance.
Due to this reason when we spend some time near a lake, river, pond or fountain,
we feel energetic. Similarly air flowing at a slow speed brings 'Chi'. On the other
hand heavy winds or storms take 'Chi' with them just as heavy rains takes various
objects with it. As 'Chi' goes away, luck also goes.
Any job done with skill generates 'Chi'. Similarly when a good musician creates
music or a good athlete displays his performance, Chi is generated. Nature produces
Chi almost continuously, Beautiful surroundings such as majestic mountains and green
plains generate Chi. An enthusiast of 17th century has described Chi as beautiful
mountains, pure water, good sunshine, slow wind and light of dawn in sky, all these have Chi. Its company opens eyes, joy is felt in lying or sitting. The Chi is gathered
in aromas. The light twinkles in the middle and there is splendour in every direction.
This Chi can rot due to inactivity. A polluted pond creates negative Chi that destroys
lady luck. Therefore we should promote positive Chi as much as possible in our apartment
for increase in life energy. Chi is life energy of living beings, good surroundings,
motion of Sun, Moon, climate and human endeavour. In China, Chi energy is absorbed
into body by clapping of hands and feet. When Chi becomes excessive, its inflow
is stopped by acupuncture needles.
In China, unbalanced Chi is corrected by herbs. A heathy mind is refined by Yoga.
Every brush stroke of a Chinese artist and wavy writing by calligrapher's pen are
the result of correct technique of breathing and reaction of a trained mind.
The purpose of Feng Shui is to develop an environment where Chi may flow smoothly
so that mental and physical fitness may be maintained. A house where Chi flows with
ease and without any hindrance, its residents live in harmony and their life is
serene. When Chi's flow is slow , problems crop up. An office where Chi flows unhindered,
its employees are happy and helpful, all projects are completed in time and stress
remains absent. Where Chi's flow remains stopped, harmony goes away and trade does
not make progress. In China it is called 'Chi'', in Japan 'Ki' and in India it is
known as energy.
A place where Chi of both types is absent, Sha is present. Shar is negative, harmful
and evil.