Karkas in Jaimini Astrology
Future Point | 01-Jan-2014
Views: 14176Sage Jaimini emphasises on the use of variable karakas or chara karakas alongwith the fixed karakas. Variable karakas are 1 Atmakarka 2. Amatyakarka, 3. Bharatrikarka 4. Matrukarka 5. Pitru Karka 6. Gnati Karka 7. Dara Karka.
In Prashari Astrology the Sun, apart from being karka for father, is Atmakarka for each and every horoscope but according to Jaimini the Sun may be Atmakarka in one horoscope but in the next horoscope the Sun may become Daiv karka or any other amongst the list. Hence each and every karka is changeable from horoscope to horoscope. With the following sutras the sage defines the variable Karkas and he starts with Atmakarka.
A planet with highest longitudes without considering sign is known as Atmakarka. Here the sage is strict on choosing the seven karakas from seven planets i.e. from Sun to Saturn. But the word 'Ashtanamara' used in the sutras indicates the inclusion of eighth planet i.e. Rahu. Since the Sutra does not state 'Navanama' hence Ketu cannot be considered under any circumstances.
Atmakarka is the supreme lord of the planets. If a benefic planet becomes Atmakarka and it is completely free from malefic influences and well placed in the horoscope, it is capable of final alancipation of soul or the Moksha. In case the Atmakarka is a benefic planet but it is under the influence of malefics, the native performs good and evil deeds. Thus sage emphasises that Atmakarka should be well placed in the horoscope, at the same time it should be free from malefic influences.
Next to Atmakarka is known as Amatyakarka
Next to Amatyakarka it is Bharatrikarka.
Next to Bharatrikarka it is Matrikarka.
Next to Matrikarka it is Putrakarka.
Next to Putrakarka it is Gnatikarka
Last and next to Gnati karaka it is Darakarka.
Thus the planet with highest longitudes sans sign is known as Atmakarka, next to Atmakaraka karka it is Amatyakarka, next to Amatyakarka it is Bharatrikarka and so on till the last which is known as Darakarka.
Here is an horoscope to determine the various chara karakas:
Female Native :
DOB : 4.9.1986, TOB : 09.35 AM IST,
POB : Delhi , Longitude: 77E13, Lattitude : 28N40
Planet with highest longitudes is the Moon i.e. 10s26°27'. Hence the Moon becomes Atmakarka.
Next comes Mars with Longitudes 8s22°33' it becomes Amatyakarka.
Longitude of All the planets :
Sun 12s19°44'
Moon 10s26°27'
Mars 8s22°33'
Mercury 12s00°25'
Jupiter 10s22°16'
Venus 1s15°18'
Saturn(R) 7s14°26'
Rahu 12s06°18'
Thus the Moon a fixed karka for mother as per parashari rules becomes Atmakarka. Mars a fixed karka for brothers becomes Amatya karka. Jupiter becomes Bharatri karka as per jaimini system.
Note : The last sutra which indicates the last karka i.e. Dara karaka which is related to spouse or wife. But this is the only Sutra in which the sage has used word 'pk' which is rL; nkjk'p%A Hence Neelkantta opines that the word (cha) used in the sutra suggests the every thing related to spouse should be judged not from Darakarka only but alongwith Charakarka the fixed karka i.e. Venus should also be reckoned into. He further suggests everything related to marriage, married life etc. should be seen from Arudha lagna and upa pada etc. alongwith chara karka and fixed karakas also.
Some of the commentators advocate the judgement of Putrakarka alongwith Matrukarka but sage Jaimini rejects this by using word ,sds (eke) in the sutra ie.
After discussing the chara/variable karakas the sage now reveals the fixed karakas. As per Jaimini Mars is karka for sister, wife's brother, younger brother. The word tuuh used in the sutra should be taken for the younger and elder sisters of the mother since sage mentions Venus as karka for mother in the coming sutras.
After Mars the next planet is Mercury who is karka for uncles, relatives and step-mother as well.
Thus Jupiter is karka for father's father i.e. grand father, husband and son. Some commentators opine that Jupiter is karka for father's father, Venus as the karka for husband and Saturn as the karka for son. But it is incorrect and not justified to connect Saturn with progeny since Saturn is significator of childlessness.
Hence Venus is Karka for wife, parents father-in-law and mother's father these are the views of Jaimini.
Bhava Seven Karkas
If we go through the table given above the 4th bhava indicates Matru & Putra karka while 5th Bhava indicate pitru karka. But this interpretation is not acceptable, since sage Jaimini himself doesnot seem to agree to the definition of matrukarka and putrakarka to the one and same planet and this he has clarified by using word 'eke' in the earlier sutra which means one.
Some of the commentators have used word 'Ashtanamva' in the sutra, in totality thus clinging to eight karakas instead of seven. Since 'Ashtanamva' is an alternative provided by the sage hence it should not be used verbatism. Age is critical about using eight karakas.
Thus the table as described above indicates eight karakas instead of seven as suggested by the sage. In this table 5th Bhava corresponds to Pitrukarka, 6th bhava to the Putrakaraka, 7th Bhava to the Gnatikarka and 8th Bhava to Darakarka. Hence there is no corelation between the Bhava and the Karka since 5th Bhava is indicative of progeny so it should correlate to putrakarka while 7th Bhava is indicative of spouse so it should corelate to Darakarka. In case the concept of eight karakas is taken into consideration, Rahu has all the chance to become Atmakarka. But Rahu being a severe malefic is capable of giving bondage and not Salvation ¼eks{k½ as per sutra ! lbZ"Vs ca/keks{k;ks%] Atmakarka is capable of giving salvation and bondage under certain rules and conditions.
Hence the sage outrightly rejects the proposition of eighth karakas since Rahu is prohibited to become Atmakarka. Thus it is very much clear as well logical that seven karakas should be determined out of seven planets.
Rules pertaining to the intrusion of Rahu as a karaka
a.When two planets attain identical number of degrees, in such a case one karka may be omitted. In such a case Rahu's intrusion is essential.
b.When three planets attain identical number of degrees, in such a case relevant fixed karka intrude.
c.Only father's variable/chara karakas among the seven can be omitted in case of equality of planetary degrees. Here sage is strict and mentions that four fixed karakas are capable of filling the gap of four variables/chara karakas.
d.There are no fixed karakas for Atmakarka and Amatyakarka and Rahu is not eligible to become Atmakarka.
e.In case two planets attain equal number of degrees, since there is no fixed karka to become Atamakarka, and Rahu cannot become Atmakarka under such a circumstance planet with natural strength qualifies to become Atmakarka while the second becomes the Amatyakarka.
Example to explain above :
Female Native
DOB : 16.7.1975,
TOB : 17.05 IST
POB : Moga (Punjab)
Longitude : 75E°10',
Lattitude : 30N°48'
Sun 2s29°48'
Moon 06s08°19'
Mars 0s17°12' Mercury 2s13°04'
Jupiter 11s29°48'
Venus 4s11°12'
Saturn 2s29°05'
In this case both the Sun and Jupiter have attained identical number of degrees and minutes. The Sun is placed in sign Gemini, a neutral sign but in a bad i.e. 8th house while Jupiter is placed in its own sign Pisces and in eternal house. Thus Jupiter is stronger than the Sun, hence qualifies to become Atmakarka.
In case three planets attain equal longitude, out of three the stronger planet will become the Atma karka. Next to Atmakarka the next strong planet will be Amatyakarka and the third planet having same longitude will be omitted and Rahu is intruder.
Planet Longitude Variable/Chara Karka
Since Rahu moves in a retrograde motion and it is placed at 07°00' in sign Leo. Rahu has travelled 23° already and it will become Darakarka. Same way, in case four planets attain equal number of degrees Jnan and Dara karka will be dropped. Rahu will become one of the karka as per its longitude and Venus, the fixed karka for wife should be judged.
Note : Sage Jaimini has treated the longitude of planets in degrees and minutes only, he has not mentioned about seconds anywhere and this seems little confusing. Suppose a planet is placed at 00°00', as per Jaimini's views, this planet in not supposed to be any karka but these views, looking into the limitations of sage, should be examined carefully. Thus it is a humble advice that while dividing the variable karakas in any chart, one should always go upto degrees, minutes and seconds. If we decide the karka under this method we may never require the intrusion of Rahu to become a karka and it will be very easy to decide all the 7 variable / chara karakas from the seven planets only.
Example : Female Native
DOB : 27.12.1968,
TOB : 23.10 IST.
POB : Nahan (HP)
Long : 77E18'
Latt : 30N33'
Lagna 4s27°15'
Sun 8s12°07'
Moon 02s12°06'
Mars 5s18°42'
Mercury 8s00°00'
Jupiter(R) 3s09°00'
Venus 8s23°57'
Saturn 11s00°22'
Rahu 12s21°43'
Now in this example Mercury is placed in sign Sagittarius at 00°00' only, hence cannot be considered to become any karka. This seems bit ridiculous hence under the circumstances one should always go upto seconds to decide the variable karakas. In this case when we move upto seconds the variable karakas emerge as under :
While going upto seconds Mercury emerges out as Darakarka. In case we consider these planets upto degrees and minutes only, Mercury neither can be considered nor can be dropped, hence it is advisable to consider the longitude of planets upto seconds.