Karwachauth 2019

Indian Astrology | 14-Oct-2019

Views: 12559

What is Karwachauth?

According to Hindu Mythology, Karwachauth Vrat is the most important festival for all married women and it falls in the month of Kartik or Krishna Paksha. It is believed that if married women observe a fast on this day then their husbands are blessed with a long and fulfilling life. This ritual of observing fasts also brings happiness and peace in the married life. Many young girls also fast in order to get a good husband. This fast starts before sunrise when women eat the sargi which is given to her by her in-laws. After eating the sargi, they wear bridal attire and spend their day listening to mythological stories.

The women wait for the sunset and the moon to appear anxiously throughout the day to complete their Karva Chauth fast. Their fast ends after seeing the moon and touching the feet of their partner. The first bite to end the fast must be from the partner’s hands. This fast enhances the love and affection between the couple. Nowadays, some men also observe this fast to support their wives. Women also worship Lord Shiva and Ma Paravati on this auspicious day and take their blessings in order to have a happy married life.

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Karwa Chauth Festival Date

This year the festival of Karvachauth will fall on 17th October 2019, Thursday. Every year, this festival falls on the Chaturthi (fourth day) of Krishna Paksha according to the Hindu month of Kartik.

Karwa Chauth Puja Muhurat

Karwa Chauth Puja Muhurat: 17:50:03 to 18:58:47
Duration: 1 Hour 8 Minute
Karva Chauth Moonrise Time: 20:15:59

Significance of KarvaChauth

The festival of Karva Chauth is of particular importance to all Hindu married women all over the country. They believe that this festival ensures prosperity, longevity, and well-being of their husbands. Since the festival of Karwa Chauth 2019 is a festival for women but nowadays most of the men and women believe in equality of gender and play an integral role in educating others to do the same. Since the celebration of Karva Chauth has close ties with the patriarchal structure, it includes certain norms that are undesirable towards women. Most couples today believe in molding the rules and making sure that their partner feels loved more than blindly following the traditions.

Karwa Chauth Fasting

Karwa Chauth is a ritual of fasting which is observed by married Hindu women seeking the long life, success, and prosperity of their husbands. All married women keep a strict fast and do not take even a drop of water. It is the most important and difficult fast observed by Hindu women. It begins before sunrise and ends only after offering prayers and sighting moon at night. After this, fast is broken once the moon is worshipped and rituals of the day have been performed. At night when the moon appears, at the end women break their fast after offering water to the moon.

Karwa Chauth Fasting Story

    • Karwa Chauth Vrat Story in English

According to the Hindu story for Karwa Chauth, a moneylender had 7 sons and 1 daughter named Karva. On the day of Karva Chauth festival the daughter, Karva observed fast for her husband. At night, when everyone sat for dinner, the brothers of Karva insisted her to eat as well. But, Karva denied because Moon had still not arisen and she could have food only after giving Arghya (offering water) to the Moon. Her brothers couldn’t see the situation of their starving sister who had not even accepted a single drop of water since dawn.

The youngest brother planned to trick her by lighting a lamp behind the leaves of a Peepal tree, giving an illusion of the Moon and convinced his sister that the Moon has come and now she can have food. She got tricked and had a bite of food. As soon as she took a bite, the news of her husband’s death came. Karva kept the body of her husband till 1 year and kept on collecting the grass growing over the dead. Next year, when Karva Chauth came again on the fourth day of the dark half in the month of Kartik, Karva kept the fast again following all the rituals properly.

    • Karva Chauth story in Hindi

बहुत समय पहले की बात है, एक साहूकार के सात बेटे और उनकी एक बहन करवा थी। सभी सातों भाई अपनी बहन से बहुत प्यार करते थे। यहां तक कि वे पहले उसे खाना खिलाते और बाद में स्वयं खाते थे। एक बार उनकी बहन ससुराल से मायके आई हुई थी।

शाम को भाई जब अपना व्यापार-व्यवसाय बंद कर घर आए तो देखा उनकी बहन बहुत व्याकुल थी। सभी भाई खाना खाने बैठे और अपनी बहन से भी खाने का आग्रह करने लगे, लेकिन बहन ने बताया कि उसका आज करवा चौथ का निर्जल व्रत है और वह खाना सिर्फ चंद्रमा को देखकर उसे अर्घ्‍य देकर ही खा सकती है। चूंकि चंद्रमा अभी तक नहीं निकला है, इसलिए वह भूख-प्यास से व्याकुल हो उठी है।

सबसे छोटे भाई को अपनी बहन की हालत देखी नहीं जाती और वह दूर पीपल के पेड़ पर एक दीपक जला कर चलनी की ओट में रख देता है। दूर से देखने पर वह ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि जैसे चतुर्थी का चाँद उदित हो रहा हो।

इसके बाद भाई अपनी बहन को बताता है कि चाँद निकल आया है, तुम उसे अर्घ्य देने के बाद भोजन कर सकती हो। बहन खुशी के मारे सीढ़ियों पर चढ़कर चाँद को देखती है, उसे अर्घ्‍य देकर खाना खाने बैठ जाती है।

वह पहला टुकड़ा मुंह में डालती है तो उसे छींक आ जाती है। दूसरा टुकड़ा डालती है तो उसमें बाल निकल आता है और जैसे ही तीसरा टुकड़ा मुंह में डालने की कोशिश करती है तो उसके पति की मृत्यु का समाचार उसे मिलता है। वह बौखला जाती है। उसकी भाभी उसे सच्चाई से अवगत कराती है कि उसके साथ ऐसा क्यों हुआ। करवा चौथ का व्रत गलत तरीके से टूटने के कारण देवता उससे नाराज़ हो गए हैं और उन्होंने ऐसा किया है।

Want to know the correct details of Karwa Chauth's story, then read Karva Chauth Katha online in order to recite it correctly and this will take very less time.

Puja Vidhi for Karva Chauth fast

  • Wake up early in the morning, before sunrise and clean the worship area. After that eat food is given by your mother- in- law.
  • Women prepare 'sargi' or foods of fast for the Vrat and puja before the sunrise.
  • According to rituals, the who observes the fast must strictly follow it from sunrise to sunset, and until moonrise must not eat or drink.
  • In the evening, place the idol and pictures of gods and goddesses on an earthen platform.
  • Now, take a plate put dhoop(incense sticks), Chandan(sandalwood paste), Roli, Sindoor (vermillion), etc.
  • The worshiping should begin before 1 hour to the moon sighting.
  • Recite the Karva Chauth story, while worshiping the goddess.
  • After Moon sighting, the daughter-in-law should take the blessings of mother-in-law after offering her a decorated plate with sweets, fruits, dried fruits, money, etc and blesses her with the boon of everlasting good luck.

We wish you a very happy Karva Chauth. May Karwa Chauth 2019 brings many relations closer to the well being and prosperity of the family.