Know About Leostar

Abha Bansal | 17-Mar-2015

Views: 4031

Know About Leostar

By Abha Bansal, Astrologer & Director, Future Point Pvt.Ltd.

LEOSTAR – The ultimate astrology software for astrologers, students and astrological research institutes.

Now Future Point (which introduced computer astrology in India) is presenting to you the latest version of world’s number one astrological software. Succeeding its predecessors, Leo 1, Leo 99 and Leo Gold, Leo Star today has created a niche for itself in the astrology world.

World’s number one astrological software Leo Star is the upgraded version of Leo Gold which was originally launched in the year 1987. Its market value lies in its credibility and accuracy. Initially it was a DOS based horoscope software and was accepted by astrologers all over the world with great appreciation. It really helped them to get most accurate calculation by just a click and saved their lots of time.

With the passage of time the latest versions of software on Windows, XP and Vista were released to cater the needs of Astrologers in India and abroad.

In the horoscope made by Leostar not only the position of planets in houses can be analyzed rather the birth chart, Chalit chart, Dasha, Sarvashtak chart, Shadbal, Avakhara and various other charts used in making astrological predictions can be seen simultaneously on a single screen. This advantage of viewing many horoscopes together has made it easier to analyze an event. This software has its own data bank containing birth details of thousands of celebrities which can be used for research and comparative study. Leostar is the only software comprising the facility of comprehensive printing.

In this Kundli software several horoscopes can be viewed and matched simultaneously on one single screen. Different Varshphal, KP calculations and Muhurats can be viewed and used simultaneously on one screen. This horoscope software is based primarily on Parashari however Jaimini, Lal Kitab, KP and Horary astrology has also been incorporated in it.

This horoscope software contains all aspects of astrology with comprehensive Calculations, Remedies, Prediction, Various Charts, Dashas, Matching, Varshphal, Numerology, Horary, K.P, Lalkitab, Muhurat, Panchang, Mundane, Books, Calendar, Transit, Mantras and lots of other useful information. Available in more than 12 languages including Hindi and English with modules Astrology, Matching, Varshphal, Numerology, Horary, K.P, Lalkitab, Muhurat, Panchang, Transit etc. It is also available in a Home Version (for students and home users) and Modules (all packages separately).

  • Most accurate and authentic astrological software.
  • Supports all Astrological Systems.
  • Exhaustive Computations of Horoscope, Varshphal, Matching, Horary Analysis, Lal Kitab, Numerology, Muhurat, Lal Kitab, KP System and Panchang.
  • Thousands of yogas.
  • Supports various Ayanamsa with a facility to add user defined Ayanamsa.
  • Predictions made by you can be added.
  • Permanent backup for all things done.
  • Horoscopes can be kept in different categories like sportspersons, politicians for research work.
  • Leostar already contains birth details of more than 5000 celebrities like film stars, sports persons, politicians, world leaders, musicians and stalwarts of other fields.
  • Language can be changed as per choice.
  • There is option of using Neptune, Pluto and Uranus as planets in chart.
  • Contains a data of longitude and latitude of 50,00000 cities.
  • Facility of viewing many horoscopes at one time.
  • Detailed panchang with Lagan, Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karan, Rashi, Rahukaal, Bhadra, Panchak, retrogression, Gandamool.
  • Facility of viewing many packages at one time with different tab.
  • Various tables like planets, gems, planet friendship, planet significator, yoga table, Nakshatra- Gana/Nadi, Rashi-Vashya/Paya tables, Nakshatra-Lord/Alphabet tables, Hindu/Sikh/Jain festivals.
  • You can take printout or single /double side, make PDF file which can be emailed
  • In LeoStar, all operations of software are controlled on one screen.
  • In LeoStar, you can customize the color and font style.
  • Contains all Indian calendar with Sunrise, Paksha, Nakshatra, Tithi.
  • Having everything on one screen is just amazing and highly beneficial
  • Easy to use, correct, capable of predictions by fast computations.
  • Various charts, Dashas and Computations can be seen on a single screen.
  • The Finance and Health Analysis on Daily, Monthly and Annual basis.
  • Contains Various Calendars.
  • Various Mantras can be listened.
  • Horary Tools such as Biorhythmic Chart and Tarot Cards.
  • Study Material on Astrology, Vastu, Numerology, Palmistry and Lal Kitab.
  • All Horoscope Models can be printed.
  • The software can be stored in a Floppy or CD. You can make PDF file in single click.
  • Transit - Graphical view to see and analyse planets and their positions.
  • Various predictions- Navamsa, planet and house reading.
  • Yogini, Lagna, Chalit, Navamsha, Dashamsha, Moon Chart, Ashtak Bindus Chart, K.P. etc.
  • Wearing of Gems and Predictions and Analysis related to Monetary and health related graph of Astrology and Match Making Program in Hindi and English.
  • Reading Material for Palmistry, Numerology, Vastu, Astrology, Kalsarpa Yoga, Analysis of Mangal Dosh.
  • Various Horary Tools such as Tarot Cards, Gautam Kevli Mahavidya, Ram Shalaka etc. The Bio-rhythm Chart is a useful feature for knowing the ups and downs of Health, Finance and Emotions. A useful aspect is incorporation of various books of astrology that are fit for regular consultation.