Know the effects planets during their Mahadasha
Future Point | 05-Nov-2018
Views: 20475Planets play an important role in our life. Their position affects our lives in many ways. Each planet governs a particular aspect of our life. If they are placed in a positive position, we get various auspicious results but if they are not well placed then they create problems in one’s life. The positive and negative effects of planets are also dependent on other factors like the degree of their placements and the placements of other planets. In this article, we are telling you the stand-alone effects of every planet when viewed individually.
If Saturn is placed strongly in horoscope then it denotes hard work and perfection. It gives various qualities to a human-like honesty, stability, sincerity, longevity, constancy, consistency, spirituality etc. If the sun is weak in the kundali then it gives painful diseases to the native. The afflicted sun causes diseases like leg fracture, cancer, and skin ailments, paralysis, arthritis, gout, rickets, indigestion, numbness, windy diseases, impotence in men, asthma and intestinal obstruction etc.
When Venus is strong in the horoscope it denotes worldly knowledge, aesthetic sense, psychic ability and pursuits, potency, pleasures, correct behavior, beauty, luxury, friendliness, love, charm and refined sensuality.
When this planet is weak then it gives health problems like urinary diseases, diabetes, anemia, stones in bladder or kidney, weakness of sexual organs, paralysis, asthma, impotence, loss of bodily luster etc.
Jupiter is the most auspicious and strong planet. Its strong position denotes the fields of top political and administrative positions, contractors, financial advisors, bankers, king, lawyers, teachers, management experts and administrators etc. It gives growth, optimism, expansion, humor, faith, idealism and good power of judgment.
If this planet is in a weak position then it causes lymphatic and circulatory congestion, thrombosis, anemia, tumors, and jaundice. Ear problems and asthma, diabetes also cause by this.
When mercury holds a strong place in the horoscope, it helps the person to be a good communicator with intelligence, imagination, wit, skill, dexterity, verbal and mental ability, sound judgment, humor and flexibility.
If mercury is weak, it gives psychic diseases like insomnia, nervous breakdown, skin problems, impotence, loss of memory, deafness, asthma, disorders of intestines, indigestion etc. it creates tension in life and lack of confidence.
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Mars signifies courage in life. If this planet is strong then it denotes passion, ambition, physical strength and thirst for action. It makes a person brave, courageous, hero, competitive and vigor.
If it is in a weak position then it makes a native lacking in courage power. It makes a person unable to enjoy the comforts from the younger siblings. It causes inflammations, overheating, inability to tolerate hunger, wounds, burns, accidents, fractures, piles, liver problems, operations, tumors and if closely conjunct to Rahu, it causes cancer in muscular parts of the body.
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Moon is the planet of mental health. When the moon is strongly placed in horoscope then the mother of a native will be having sufficient resources and will bring up the child and develop the child’s mental faculties in a peaceful manner. It denotes affluence, receptivity, sensitivity, imagination, good memory, meritorious deeds and sound habits.
When this planet is afflicted it makes a person slim and pale. If it is connected with the ascendant or its lord in a powerful way, it gives a plump body. It also causes sleep disorders, lethargy, drowsiness, lung problems, mouth ulcers, neurological disorders, digestive complaints, blood disorders, enlargement of spleen, frequent cough and cold and weakness.
When the sun is strong in the birth chart, it denotes high administrative positions in government including politics, doctors in medicine etc. it bestows a person with administrative capabilities and gives a square shaped body. Sun is a sign of success.
If it is weak, it causes eyesight problems, headaches, erratic blood circulation, heart problems, dental ailments, bone fractures, fevers, blood pressure, baldness, neuralgia, bone cancer and weak immune system.
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Rahu denotes the diplomatic jobs and jobs requiring manipulations with facts. If this planet holds a strong position in kundali, it denotes computer programmers, engineering, pilots, professions involving juggling and dealing in poison and drugs.
When it is weak then it causes diseases phlegm, intestines, skin, nervous system, ulcers, blood pressure, heart problems, psychic disturbances, leprosy and cancer etc.
If Ketu is strong then it denotes sudden burst of energy and liberation. It gives idealism, intuition, psychic ability, compassion, spirituality, self-sacrifice and subtlety.
When it is weal then it causes wounds, injuries, diseases related to the spine and nervous system. It gives problems like surgery, ulcers, inflammations, fevers, intestinal diseases, mental problems, low blood pressure etc.
If you are facing any problems or ailments related to any planet, then you can do some remedies to agitate the bad effects of planets. If you followed these remedies religiously it can help in reducing the negative or magnifying the positive impact.
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