Making a decision
Future Point | 01-Jan-2014
Views: 2881The Horseshoe Spread
2 4
1 5
1 – Present position;
2 – Present expectations;
3 – The unexpected;
4 – The immediate future;
5 – Long term future;
This is a short and simple spread that can be modified by adding more cards to each position. This is one of many, many Horseshoe shaped spread.
5 Pointed Star Prosperity Spread
2 4
6 5
1 – What the universe can contribute to the questioner’s need
2 – What can help the questioner be relaxed and at ease;
3 – What will bring prosperity and contentment;
4 – What will counterbalance the questioner’s negative feelings;
5 – What can provide rewards, positive feedback and reinforcement;
6 – What prosperity could mean to the questioner;