Mercury in 12 houses
Dr. Arun Bansal | 03-Apr-2015
Views: 5744First House
Intelligent, follows principles and rules, interest in religious activities, well formed body,
cheerful, long-life, mathematician, jovial, generous, very sweet in conversation, remains
healthy till death (however suffers from Jaundice even if it is in Mool Trikona sign),
suffers at the age of 4, mole in the body, suffers from boils, destroys malefic effect of
other planets provided Mercury is strong, pilgrimage at the age of 27, always looks
young, highly educated, fond of learning astrology, stomach ailments, fond of Arhar
If weak – even medicine has no effect, children short lived. If in Capricorn sign – wicked,
unbending. If in Gemini, Virgo, Libra, or Aquarius sign intelligent, good orator. If in
Scorpio sign – chemist or physician. If with malefic – jaundice, ailments of bile. If
exalted or in own sign – happiness from brother provided Rahu is not posited in 3rd
house. If with Saturn –trouble in left eye. If in Capricorn sign – plumply body, impotent.
If with lord of 6th or 8th house – defect of semen. If in Mool Trikona sign – extremely
happy. If with lord of 2nd house – orator, diplomat. If with Rahu – imaginative.
In female horoscope – intelligent, healthy, lucky, reputed, wealthy, conveyance, employed
in teaching job, long life, big and beautiful eyes, beautiful, prosperous, loving nature,
soft – spoken, always speaks truth, progeny, sculpture. If Mercury in Mool Trikona sign
and Jupiter is in 11th house – becomes a queen.
Second House
Intelligent, hard worker, good orator, intellectual pursuits, agent/ advocate/ leader/
chartered accountant/ judge, intellectual, no wasteful expenditure, brave, fond of
collecting many things, wealthy, long hair, progeny, honour form govt. Fortunate at the
age of 25, wasteful expenditure at the age of 29, financial loss at the age of 26, sudden
gain at the age of 36, sufferings at the age of 15. Logical, no patience, cannot be
imprisoned even if involved in number of litigation cases provided Mercury is alone in
2nd house, enjoys all comforts, donor, devotee of father, skin disease, fond of sweets.
If it is lord of 1st, 7th, 8th or 11th house – devoid of wealth, separation from family. If with
malefics – wicked, uneducated, windy problems. If in Leo sign – benefic results in the
main period and sub period of Mercury to the extent it is weak or afflicted with malefics.
If with Venus and having aspect of benefics – successful businessman. If with Moon –
weak eyes. If with Rahu – good luck, helpful, brings good luck for others. If with Jupiter
– wealthy, learned, preceptor, brave.
In female horoscope – prosperous, famous, intelligent, influential, prosperity in family,
agent or leader, critic, longlife, soft – spoken, donor, beautiful, serves ascetics, progeny,
religious, obedient.
Third House
Friendship with business class, interest in business, in company of brave people,
polite, soft spoken, efficient, hard worker, fearful, palmist, writer, poet, editor, pleasure
– seeker, fond of travel, few brothers, medium age, good co-borns, definitely leaves
the motherland, ascetic, suffers due to son, financial gains to father at the age of 12.
Depression and fearful during main/ sub – period of Rahu, understands secrets of
trade, successful businessman, favourable for doctor/ judge.
If with Mars – husband of sister suffers. If with strong planets long life. If in Gemini sign
– author and publisher. If with Jupiter – preceptor, brave. If with Venus – good luck and
gains from business. If with Rahu – good luck, helpful to others. If with Ketu – it is an
unfavourable combination and remedies of Mars are helpful.
In female horoscope – settles in foreign land, fond of travel, happiness from brother,
singer. dancer, poet, donor, fame, gives birth to capable children, popular, influential,
wealthy, fame through sons, obedient, beloved of brothers, few brothers, gives
importance to her own work.
Fourth House
Intelligent, fame, honour, highly educated, devoid of paternal wealth, comfort of
conveyance, fortunate, donor, plumply body, lazy, writer, diplomats, always ahead of
his colleagues, knowledge of occult subjects, enjoys all comforts. Gets gifts at the age
of 16, financial loss at the age of 22, involved in embezzlement at the age of 26.
Friendship with people of very high status, leader or senior officer, others write whatever
is said by him. Fond of songs and dance.
If in Virgo sign – very happy, good education. If exalted or in own sign – deceitful,
contact with number of females, ill during childhood. If with Moon – not capable of
giving good results. If with Rahu or Ketu or Saturn – conveyance, devoid of happiness,
wicked. If in Pisces sign – auspicious. If debilitated or with malefics – successful in
local politics.
In female horoscope – expert in government work, beautiful, polite, intellectual, all types
of comforts provided Mercury is not combust or retrograde, long life, religious, happy,
keeps everybody happy, belongs to renowned family, comforts of servants, sexual,
Fifth House
Minister or adviser, devoid of happiness of progeny, possibility of son in the old age,
selfish, wicked, accumulates wealth, good progress. Accountant or mathematician or
lawyer, first issue is female, learns mantras, mother suffers at the age of 5 and 16,
financial loss at the age of 22. Gets money buried underground, first pregnancy of wife
is destroyed, painful speech, company of wicked, death of maternal uncle, expert in
arguing, sufferings to father, happiness to mother, gambler and speculator, recluse,
influential in public.
If combust or in enemy’s sign – destroyer of son. If with Rahu – speculator. If with
Saturn – only one issue. If with malefics or aspected by malefics – pleasure seeker,
gambler, mad progeny. If in Cancer sign – few sons. If in Scorpio sign – more it is
weak or under affliction better will be the results during its main and sub-period. If in
Virgo sign – maternal happiness. If in own sign and Moon and Mars are in 11th house
– very wealthy.
In female horoscope – intelligent, educated, accountant, teacher, name and fame,
lover of music, technical education, mainly female issue, fond of argument,
characterless, fond of travelling without any aim, few sons, quarrelsome, wicked, devoid
of wealth, no respect for saints.
Sixth House
Opponent, expenditure on study of Yantra and Mantra, quarrelsome, lazy, priggish,
leader of opposition party, sufferings equivalent to death at the age of 37, honour from
government, ayurvedic doctor, pure meals, fear of enemy at the age of 21, 36 and 37,
fear of arms at age of 26 and 32. Financial gains from cousins or other near relations,
ailments in the navel, defeat of enemies, gastric problems, gains of spiritual knowledge
from saints, expenditure in religious and auspicious work, gain from business of gems,
sufferings due to deceitful servants, maternal uncles have only female issues.
If with malefic Mars – possibility of getting mad or committing suicide. If retrograde or
with benefics-always suffers, fear from enemies. If with strong planets, head of family
or leader of society. If debilitated or in enemy’s sign – destroyer of clan or tribe. If in
sign of benefic planets or with benefics aspected by benefics – happy, victory over
enemies. If with Mars or Saturn – attracted to the opposite sex, suicide due to females.
If in Cancer sign – ailments of anus. If with Saturn or Rahu or Ketu – fear of enemies.
In female horoscope – angry, increase in number of enemies, healthy, happiness from
progeny, independent, destroyer of enemies, impatient, sexual, helps others, short –
lived, long hands, beautiful, pleasure seeker, proficient in work. If Mercury is aspected
by benefics – ill health, fear of enemies.
Seventh House
Commanding appearance, belongs to family of high status, expert in business, wealthy,
writer, editor, religious, impotent, generous, helpful for spouse, spouse belongs to rich
family, gets lot of dowry, extra – marital relation, relations with rich female, non –
vegetarian food, jovial, intimate, very beautiful wife, not in a position to satisfy spouse
during sex.
If in Gemini sign and Saturn is in 4th, 8th, or 12th house – sudden financial gain, gain in
speculation. If with lord of 2nd house – successful businessman. If strong – relations
with number of females. If with Jupiter or aspected by Jupiter – bold, brave, highly
proficient, able children, writer. If with Sun-destroyer of spouse. If with benefic planets
– facility of conveyance at the age of 24. If in Pisces sign – urinary problems. If in
Taurus sign – death of wife. If debilitated or in enemy sign – wife deceitful and brings
disgrace to husband. If in Virgo sign – very happy. If lord of 7th house is in 2nd house –
successful businessman. If with Venus and aspected by benefic planets successful in
In female horoscope – fully devoted husband, involved is some profession, friends,
long life, chastity, happy, intellectual, good nature, religious, beautiful, good progeny. If
Mercury is with Saturn – religious, either husband is impotent or she is barren.
Eighth House
Long life, well known figure in his own country and in foreign land, gains through
business, beloved of fair sex. Females enjoy his company, extra – marital sex, poet,
judge, and orator, lawyer, chartered accountant, religious, ascetic. Weak in studies till
the age of 12, gets divine power, stomachache or pain in thighs, loss in partnership,
sudden financial gains, it does not cause death even if it is malefic, does not cause
much problem before death, head of family, always speaks truth, honour from
government, embezzlement of other’s money. Special honour and luck at the age of
25, suffers at the age of 28, 32 and 35.
If with malefics – sinner, sexual, short – life. If in Libra sign – healthy, wealthy, devoid of
happiness from progeny. If in own sign/ exalted or with strong planets – long life.
In female horoscope – orator, ingratitude, advocate lawyer, chartered accountant,
poetess, long life, intelligent. (If with malefics – smuggler), haughty, ill health, large
number of enemies, opponents, impatient, timid. Weak in studies till the age of 14,
gets inheritance.
Ninth House
Religious, intellectual, gets Vedic and Tantric education, brings fame to the family,
adventurous, famous, shuts mouth of wicked people, devotee of father, good orator,
donor, helps other, research oriented, interested in new things/ objects. During transit
of Saturn in 9th house there is possibility of death of mother. Editor, writer, teacher,
sons, destroyer of enemies, poet, interest in learning music, astrologer, always adopts
the path of religion, lucky, prosperous, dominating nature. Possibility of death of mother
at the age of 16 or 26. Luck favours at the age of 32, pilgrimage.
If with benefics – knowledge of Vedas and Tantra Shastra, wealthy, comforts of
conveyance. If with malefic – adopts the wrong path, believes in other’s religion. If with
Venus – gets important title. If with Jupiter and Venus – Rajyog. If Jupiter and Rahu in
7th house – leaves his own country.
In female horoscope – religious, intelligent, long life, polite, fame, chastity, clever, good
deeds, beloved of husband, fasts. If Mercury is with malefics – inauspicious results.
Tenth House
Gets inheritance, administrator and criminologist, has reputation for justice and fair
play, talks less, intellectual, popular, enjoys reputation in society, poet, writer, devotee
of parents, judge, magistrate, advocate, administrator, in government, dominating
disposition, luck favours in financial matters. Financial gains at the age of 16, 27 and
29, high status in government, respected by others, enjoys all comforts, gets success
in beginning itself, good memory.
In exalted or in own sign or with Jupiter – religious. If with Mars – jovial. If with malefic
or the enemy planets – corrupt. If debilitated or with malefics- pain in knees. If in Virgo
sign – very happy. If lord of 10th house is also lord of Navamsa – business of textiles.
In female horoscope – religious, Rajyog, judge, magistrate, long life, obedient of
husband, character, prosperous, respectful, lucky, tolerant, always speaks truth,
understands politics, respects preceptor, devoted to husband.
Eleventh House
Wealthy, prosperous, respected, long life, systematic, fame, intellectual, poet, editor,
sons, destroyer of enemies, gains through government, gains in business, well
educated, high status, idealistic, follows the path of truth, indigestion, interest in occult
subjects, astrologer and palmist, dyspepsia, very happy in the age of 45, lucky at the
age of 19, successful in business, more number of female issues, architect.
If with malefics – wicked, financial loss. If exalted or in own sign-gains from good
deeds. If in Aries sign – dispute with elder brother. If in Virgo sign-respect, material
happiness, donates everything, short life. If with Jupiter – lucky at the age of 11, 23 and
36, ups and downs in financial matters. If with Saturn – all comforts, amasses wealth at
the age of 45. If with Venus – good health, long life. If with Rahu – loss, disease,
unlucky, miseries.
In female horoscope – wealthy, high status, happy, prosperous, high thinking, financial
gains, devoted to husband, polite, dark – colour, expert in lending and borrowing.
Twelfth House
Intelligent but lazy, advocate, religious, knowledge of religion, affectionate with co –
borns, expenditure on business, settles in foreign land, service of jail or court,
association with wicked people, interested in extra – marital relations, financial loss at
the age of 22, wife suffers at the age of 44 or 48, surgery of eyes after the age of 26,
more than one source of income, expenditure for good cause, strong enemies are
defeated, involved in religious activities, uncles happy,
If weak – inauspicious results. If with Sun – benevolent, less no. of issues, whimsical.
If with malefics – playful, opponent of government. If Mars is in 2nd house – madness. If
with Jupiter – poor, deligent. If with Moon – unfavourable, marital problems.
In female horoscope – fond of travel, expenditure on education, impolite, devoid of
wealth, quarrelsome, no fame, ill health, gains from relations, lean and thin.