Monthly Horoscope for February 2023

Indian Astrology | 18-Jan-2023

Views: 1810

Post Saturn’s ingress in its own sign of Aquarius on 17th January 2023, cosmic energies are slowly getting charged up for all of us.

In fact, the entire planetary line is geared up for delivering results that won’t be usual by any measure, during the entire course of 2023.

However, let us get a brief but insightful sneak peek at what February 2023 is holding up for people of all 12 Ascendant Signs!


The ‘fiery touch’ that you are holding in your speech for the last few months, will start to recede. You will achieve normalcy in the relations that were rocked earlier due to the lack of a room to compromise. You are still advised to remain cautious on the health front, especially with respect to your feet.

Remedy: Donate Red Lentils on Tuesday. 


Learning & imbibing the virtue of remaining calm in situations of distress, is the mantra for you. You are poised to clock modest materialistic gains during this time, provided that you keep your cool. Beware of those you would try to get into your good books by means of flattery.

Remedy: Donate Bed Sheets to a needy on Friday.


Be vigilant while dealing with people from far-away lands and keep your temptations to splurge on luxuries, in-check. This is not a time to be complacent while making long term investments. You might get an unpleasant surprise from someone that you trust. However, Lady Luck will smile upon you and offer the assistance of fortune.

Remedy: Offer green fodder to cattle on Wednesday. 


You will get some good news from an old/childhood friend of yours. Do not get tempted by the promises or prospects of making quick gains. If you have been planning to make an investment into the real estate sector, then this is a favourable period for you. For those of you who are married, this month could attract some turbulences in your relationship with your spouse.

Remedy: Perform Milk Abhishek of Lord Shiva on Monday.


You need to reevaluate the long term prospects of the business partnership that you are currently into. You would be tempted to foray into new domains of business that would appear to be really promising. However, it is very much likely that things will turn out to be far from what they initially appeared to you. Take some time out of your busy schedule and go on a family trip to strengthen the emotional connect with your family members.

Remedy: Donate clothes to the needy on Sunday.


This is a favourable time to make a job-switch and in case you are a fresher looking for a job, things will turn in your favour! You will emerge victorious over your enemies. Chances of a foreign trip or a visit to a far-away land, are high for you. It is time to put those plans of yours into action that you have been holding back for quite some time now.

Remedy: Donate stationery to needy students on Wednesday or Saturday.


Avoid over emphasizing on any domain of your life. During this time, your near & dear ones might burden you with seemingly unnecessary demands. Staying on-track with a calm attitude is the key to success for you. If you are a parent, then this is not a good time to get into a confrontation with your child. Diplomacy is the need of the hour!

Remedy: Feed birds and or fishes on Friday. 


Your health will take a back-seat and you will witness a loss of vigour during this time. It is vital that you keep an active track of your diet and follow an exercise routine that is in accordance to your body-type. Travels are there on the horizon for you but truth be told, they are not likely to be as fruitful as you want them to be. This is a good time to sit back and chart a new course in both your personal as well as professional life.

Remedy: Recite Hanuman Chalisa whole heartedly in the evening. 


The relief that you were long seeking from the challenges that you have been facing in your life, is finally here! You will experience a whole new bout of energy & enthusiasm. But be advised- it would not be beneficial for you in the long term if you make take key steps in your life without giving ample thought. Relations with your siblings will be challenging and it is best not to get involved into unnecessary bickering. Rather, channelize your energies towards achieving your goals.

Remedy: Feed a Cow or donate to a Cow Shelter (Gau-Shala).


This is a favourable time to carefully start executing key financial decisions. However, do not approach any investment-based call in a hurry. Your obsession over accumulated wealth might create some friction in your family relations. Take extra care of your oral health during this time and it would be prudent to visit a dentist for a routine check-up.

Remedy: Donate footwear to the needy on Saturday.


You are the center of everyone’s attention. Therefore, your actions will attract, too much scrutiny and this might irritate you. Remember to exercise restraint in your voice while dealing with confronting opinions. Your strong comments or opinions could land you in trouble with the opposite gender. There will be a sudden rise in your popularity in the society. Your solicited advice would help you in building a mutually beneficial contact that would go a long way in your life.

Remedy: Feed dogs and donate black lentils to the needy on Saturday.


All your struggles in life thus far would fructify into the rewards that you rightfully deserve. You will get some good news from foreign lands. In case you wish to go to a foreign land to acquire higher education, then this time period would propel your interests in the right direction. There is likely to be a change in your current career profile but the transition could be somewhat challenging. You are advised to execute professional decisions with confidence & conviction. Success is right at your doorstep and all you need to do is believe in yourself. Keep your expenditures in check.

Remedy: Feed chana dal and jaggery to Cows on Thursday.

So, this was the in-general prediction for all 12 Ascendant Signs for the month of February 2023.

We advise you to consult with our highly experienced in-house astrologers and know what the planets & stars hold for you, specifically based on your Personal Horoscope!