Planetary Combinations or Yogas

Dr. Arun Bansal | 15-Apr-2015

Views: 11157
Yoga means combination but in common parlance yoga means a certain definite or special combination, which adds strength to the horoscope or removes the vitality from it. Human life falls under two categories – Yoga and Arishtas or fortunes and misfortunes. Yogas include success in every sphere of life. Arishtas or misfortunes include all sorts of miseries of life. A yoga is formed by more than one planet. For interpreting yogas, followings are required - 1. The good and evil lords in a horoscope 2. The inherent strengths of planets 3. The residential strength of planets. Arishta Yoga : In Arishta yoga, longevity of nature is considered. Eighth house is considered as ‘AYUS STHANA’ or house of longevity whereas Saturn is considered as ‘Ayuskaraka’ or the significator of longevity. The third house is 8th from 8th and therefore it is believed that strong unaffiliated Saturn, 8th and 3rd lords make a native long lived, Life span is governed by Moon in infancy, by Mars –Venus – Mercury in young age, by Jupiter in middle age and by Saturn in old age. Long life :- (i) If Sun, Moon and Lagna are strong (ii) Benefics in 10th House (iii) Malefics in Upachya houses (iv) Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Sun or Jupiter in 8th House. (v) Benefics deposited in quadrants and trines. Medium Life : (i) Malefics occupying 2nd, 5th , 8th, and 11 th signs or in the 3rd or 4th house. (ii) A weak lord of Lagna, Jupiter in quadrant, the 5th or 9th sign and a malefic in 6th , 8 th , or 12th sign. (iii) A benefic in quadrant, 5th or 9th sign, a strong Saturn or another malefic in 6th or 8 th sign. (iv) If benefics and malefics together occupy 5th or 9th sign or quadrant. Short Life : (i) Moon is in 7th , 8th or 12th from Lagna with malefics without being aspected by benefics. (ii) Moon in the vicinity of Sun is in 6th house (iii) Mars in 7th, Rahu in 9th, Saturn in 1st, Jupiter in 3rd, and Venus in 6th . (iv) Malefics in 2nd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses. Yogas For Low Morale (i) If Mars, Saturn or Rahu is posited in 4th house and when this house and its lord are afflicted by other malefics. (ii) Moon or Sun posited in 5th house (iii) Lord of 10th house aspected by another malefic being posited in 4th house (iv) Venus and descending Moon in association with malefics and aspected by other malefics posited in 4th house (v) Lord of 7th posited in 4th in combination with a malefic and aspected by a malefic. Yogas For Deafness (i) If Mercury is in 4th position from Saturn and lord of 6th house is in 6th, 8th, or 12th house. (ii) If birth is of night and Venus is 10th from Lagna and Mercury in 6th house. (iii) If Lord of 6th in 6th or 12th house and aspected by Saturn Yogas For Dumbness (i) If Mercury posited in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces sign and Moon and Saturn being together aspect Mercury. (ii) Malefics in Scorpio or Pisces signs and Moon in the last degrees of any sign being aspected by malefics. (iii) If combination as per (i) and (ii) exist but Moon is aspected by benefics, native starts speaking late. (iv) Malefics in 2nd house, lord of 2nd house is either combust or debilitated and aspected by malefics and Sun and Mercury are in Leo sign Yogas For Speech Defects (i) If Sun and Mercury are in Leo sign, native stammers. (ii) If Gemini or Virgo are in 6th house, Malefic is posited or aspecting 2nd house and Mercury is weak – speech of native is not clear. (iii) If Venus of 2nd house is in 3rd Drekanna – native stammers. Yogas For Eyes Troubles (i) If Moon is in 12th house, left eye will have problem. If Sun is in 12th house, both the eyes will have problem. (ii) If both Sun and Moon are in 12th house both the eyes will have trouble. However if aspected by benefics trouble will be in old age. (iii) Person will become blind if lord of 2nd is associated with lord of 6th, 8th or 12th and occupies Lagna. If Lord of 2nd associated with Moon and Venus occupies Lagna, night blindness is predicted. (iv) If lord of Lagna is in 2nd house and lord of 2nd in 1st, 6th or 8th house and if Rahu or Ketu associated with Sun occupies 2nd or 12th house, native will be born blind. (v) If Venus is together with Rahu, the native will have eye trouble. (vi) If Leo is in the Lagna, native will have eye defect (vii) If Aries is Lagna it may lead to cataract or night blindness. (viii) If Cancer is Lagna, eyes will be dull and unclear. Yogas For Wealth (i) Wealth is controlled by lords of 2nd, 4th, 9th and 11 th house and by Moon and Jupiter. If lords of 2nd, 4th and 9th houses are associated either in Lagna chart or in Navamsa chart and occupy 1st, 2nd or 11 th house, they lead to acquisition of good wealth. (ii) The lord of 2nd combined with 9th and occupying 11 th with Moon and Jupiter – native will be a millionaire. (iii) When 2nd house is vacant and aspected by Mercury – native becomes a wealthy person. (iv) Mercury occupying the 2nd house and aspected by Moon – blesses the native with wealth in abundance. (v) If Jupiter as lord of 2nd house is posited therein and is associated with Mars, native is considered as Kuber ( Lord of wealth) (vi) The results of Sl. No (V) will be repeated if there is an exchange of lords of 2nd and 11 th houses. Yogas For Sudden Gains Through Speculation Or Gambling (i) Strong malefic in the 10th house from Lagna or Moon and aspected by a benefic gives much wealth through gambling or lottery. (ii) If Lords of 6th and 11 th house are together and posited in 11 th house, the native wins many times in gambling and lottery. (iii) If 5th lord being Venus is in 11 th with 6th lord, native wins huge money in horse racing. (iv) Person will gain through speculations if lord of 1st and 5th are associated. Yogas For Co-borns (i) If lord or significator of 3rd house is associated with a benefic or if lord of 3rd house is a benefic or if 3rd house is very strong, native will have brothers. (ii) If lord or significator of 3rd house is in quadrant or trine or in exaltation, friend’s house or own sign, the native will have brothers. (iii) If Mercury is in 3rd house and lord of 3rd is associated with Moon and significator of 3rd house is associated with Saturn, there will be an elder sister and a younger brother. (iv) If significator of 3rd house is associated with Rahu or if lord of 3rd house is in debilitation, native will not have any younger brother. (v) If lord of 3rd house and Mars are posited in 8th and are associated with a malefic, brothers will be born but will not remain alive. (vi) If 3rd house is associated with a malefic and Lore of 3rd house conjoins a malefic, the native will have stepbrothers. (vii) If lord of 3rd is in an even sign or Navamsa and if significator of 3rd house is in 3 rd, the native will get a sister. (viii) If Mercury, Moon, Mars and Jupiter are posited in 3rd and 11 th from Lagna and Lagna lord, native will have number of brothers but if Ketu is posited in such position native will have more sisters. (ix) If Sun is in 3rd house native will not have elder brother and if Mars is there, native will not have younger brother. Yogas For Conveyance (i) If Lord of 4th house is in 4th along with Mercury and aspected by benefic. (ii) If lord of 4th, Moon and Lagna are posited in quadrants. (iii) If Mercury in exaltation is posited in quadrants or trines. (iv) If lords of 4th and 10th are strong and posited in 11 th or are aspecting 4th house. Yogas For Progeny (i) If lord of Lagna is in 5th and lord of 5th is in Lagna and Jupiter is posited in quadrant or trine, native with have many children. (ii) If lord of 5th is in exaltation and lord of Lagna is associated with a benefic – native will have number of children. Similar results are predicted if benefic aspects or is associated with 5th house, the lord of 5th or Jupiter. (iii) If Jupiter is strong and lord of Lagna is in 5th and lord of 5th is also strong, native will have number of children. (iv) If fifth house is occupied by Taurus, Cancer or Libra sign and Moon or Venus are either posited in or aspect fifth house, native will have number of children. (v) If Moon, Mercury or Venus are posited in 11 th house, number of daughters will be more. Yogas For Marriage 1. Timely Marriage : (a) If, Moon, Rahu or Venus are in 7th house or lord of 7th and 1st are associated. (b) If benefic planets are posited close to cusp of 1st or 7th house. (c) Ketu aspected by benefics in 7th house (d) Lord of 7th is aspected by Jupiter or Venus 2. Late Marriage : (a) When Rahu – Ketu axis passes very close to Lagna, Venus or Moon (b) Saturn, Sun or Mars are posited in 7th house (c) Moon in 4th /10th house in case of a male and Sun in 4th / 10th house in case of a female. (d) When two or three malefic planets one posited in 1st/ 2nd /5th / 7th / 8th /12th house from Lagna, Moon or Venus. (e) When Venus- Mercury, Venus – Saturn, Saturn – Moon combination are formed or Saturn is posited in 7th /8th houses from Venus. No Marriage : (a) If Venus or lord of 7th is hemmed between Sun and Saturn (b) Rahu or Ketu in 7th house and being aspected or conjoined with at least two malefics. (c) Moon and Venus are in opposition to Mars and Saturn (d) Mars or Saturn is posited in 7th house from Moon or Venus. (e) 2 nd / 4th /7th /12th houses and Venus are afflicted and devoid of benefic aspects. Panch Maha Purusha Yogas (1) Hamsa Yoga : For this yoga Jupiter should be in quadrant which should be his own or exaltation sign. Native born in this yoga will be very powerful like a king. He will have marks of conch, lotus, fish and ankles on legs. He will have handsome body and will be immensely rich. He will be liked by others. He will be righteous in disposition and pure in mind. (2) Bhadra Yoga : For this yoga Mercury should be in quadrant which should be his own or exaltation sign. The native born in this yoga is strong, having lion – like face, well developed chest, well proportioned limbs. He will help relatives and will have very long life. The native with such yoga is intelligent, learned, gifted with wealth. (3) Ruchak Yoga : For this yoga Mars should be in quadrant which should be his own or exaltation sign. Native born in this yoga will have strong built, famous, well – versed in ancient lore, equal to king and conforming to traditions and customs. He will have ruddy complex, attractive body, charitable disposition, wealthy, long – lived and leader of an army. (4) Malavya Yoga : For this yoga Venus should be in quadrant which should be his own or exaltation sign. The native born in this yoga shall have strong physique and strong mind. He will be wealthy and blessed with good wife and children. He will enjoy good conveyance, comforts and pleasures. He will be renowned and learned. (5) Sasa Yoga : For this yoga Saturn should be in quadrant which should be his own or exaltation sign. The native born in this yoga shall command good servants and will be of questionable character. He will be head of a village or town, will covet other’s riches and will be wicked in disposition. Gaja Kesari Yoga This yoga is formed when Jupiter is in quadrant from Moon. Native born in the yoga with have many relations, will be polite and generous and will be builder of village or town. He will be prosperous, renowned and will have reputation long lasting even after death. Amala Yoga This yoga is formed when 10th from Moon or Lagna is occupied by a benefic planet. Native born in the yoga will achieve lasting fame and reputation. His character will be spotless and will lead a prosperous life. Parvata Yoga According to Phaldeepika this yoga is formed when lord of Lagna is posited in quadrant or trine identical with his own sign, Mool – trikona sign or exaltation sign. According to Jatak Parijata this yoga is formed under following ways : (a) Benefics in quadrant while 8th and 12th are free. (b) Lord of Lagna and 12th in mutual angles and aspected by friendly planets. Native born in the yoga shall be prosperous, wealthy, liberal, charitable, humorous and head of town or village. Vasi Yoga This yoga is formed when planet other than Moon occupies 12th position from Sun. The native born in the yoga is happy, prosperous, liberal and favorite of govt. Vesi Yoga This yoga is formed when planet other than Moon occupies 2nd position from Sun. The native born in the yoga will be fortunate, happy, virtuous, famous and aristocratic. Obhaya Chari Yoga This yoga is formed when planets other than Moon are present on either side of Sun. The native born in this yoga shall be eloquent speaker having well proportioned limbs. He will be liked by others, prosperous and famous. Sunapha Yoga This yoga is formed when planet other than Sun is posited in 2nd position from Moon. Native will be intelligent, wealthy, having self earned property. He will enjoy good reputation. Anapha Yoga This yoga is formed when a planet other than Sun is posited in 12th position from Moon. The Native will have well – formed organs, majestic appearance, polite, generous. He will be enjoying good reputation and will be successful in politics. Dhurdhura Yoga This yoga is formed when planets other then Sun are posited on either side of Moon. Native will be blessed with wealth and enjoy good conveyances. Kemadruma Yoga This yoga is formed when there are no planets on either side of moon. The native will be dirty, sorrowful, interested in unrighteous deeds, poor, dependent, rogue and swindler. Kemadruma Bhanga Yoga This yoga is formed under following circumstances – (i) If Moon and Venus are in quadrant and aspected by Jupiter. (ii) Strong Moon is in exaltation or own sign. (iii)Moon being posited in Navamsa sign of his intimate friend is aspected by Jupiter. Kahala Yoga This yoga is formed if lords of 4th and 9th houses are in quadrant from each other and lord of Lagna is strongly disposed. Native will be stubborn, daring, head of an organization. Sankha Yoga This yoga is formed if lords of 5th and 6th are in mutual quadrant and lord of Lagna is powerful. Native will be fond of pleasures, blessed with good wife and children, learned in sciences, doing good deeds and having long life. Chamar Yoga This yoga is formed when Lagna lord being in exaltation is posited in quadrant and aspected by Jupiter or benefics are posited in Lagna, 7th, 9th, and 10th houses. Native will be good orator, intelligent, successful in politics, and having long life. Bheri Yoga This yoga is formed if Venus, lord of Lagna and Jupiter are in mutual quadrant and lord of 9th house is powerfully disposed. Native will be long lived, enjoying good health, wealthy, happy in married life. Mridanga Yoga This yoga is formed if lord of Navamsa occupied by an exalted planet is posited in a trine or quadrant identical with friendly or exalted sign and lord of Lagna is strongly disposed. The native is respected by others, famous, attractive and commands influence. Sreenatha Yoga This yoga is formed if exalted lord of 7th house occupies 10th and lord of 10th is with 9th lord. Native will be successful in politics, will have impressive personality and enjoy married life. Sarda Yoga This yoga is formed when Sun is in own sign, Mercury is in quadrant and 10th lord is in 5 th house or Mars is in 11 th house and Mercury or Jupiter are posited in 9th from Moon. This yoga makes native very happy with wife and children and enjoys company of good friends. He is learned and gets favour from government. Matsya Yoga This yoga is formed when Lagna and 9th are conjoined with malefics, 5th by both malefics and benefices and 4th and 8th by malefics. This makes native benevolent, polite, intelligent, educated, handsome, religious, famous and learned. Kurma Yoga This yoga is formed when benefics occupy 5th, 6th, and 7th houses and then join their exaltation, own or friendly Navamsa or when benefics occupy 1st, 3rd and 11 th houses identical with their exaltation, own or friendly signs. The native will be world famous, righteous, courageous, happy, helpful to others, leader with mild temperament. Kharag Yoga This yoga is formed when there is an exchange of 2nd and 9th lords and Lagna lord is posited in quadrant or trine. The native will be learned, happy, influential, virtuous, successful and prosperous. Lakshmi Yoga This yoga is formed when Lagna lord is strong and lord of 9th occupies own or exaltation sign identical with quadrant or trine. The native will be wealthy, noble, learned, and handsome and will enjoy all comforts of life. Kusuma Yoga If Jupiter is in Lagna, the Moon in 7th and the Sun is in 8th from the Moon, Kusuma yoga is formed. The native will be a political leader or a senior bureaucrat and enjoys fame. The native is learned and prosperous. Kalanidhi Yoga This yoga is formed when Jupiter is conjoined or aspected by Mercury and Venus either in 2nd or in 5th fine and Jupiter must occupy own signs of Mercury or Venus. The native will be highly passionate, good-natured, respected by govt., enjoying comfort of conveyances, aristocrat and enjoys good health. Samrajya Yoga This yoga is formed when if lord of 9th, 10th or 2nd house is either with Moon or in quadrant with Moon and lord of 11 th house is Jupiter. The native will be prosperous, owner of village or town and honoured by govt. Sakata Yoga This yoga is formed when Moon is in 6th, 8th or 12th from Jupiter. The native will be unfortunate, suffers from miseries, stubborn and hated by relatives. Chapa Yoga This yoga is formed when Lagna lord is exalted and there is exchange of lords of 4th and 10th . The native with be wealthy, control the treasury and honoured by govt. Adhi Yoga This yoga is formed when all the benefics are posited in 6th , 7th and 8th from Moon. The native will be polite, trustworthy, affluent, healthy, and prosperous and enjoys happy and luxurious life. Dur Yoga This yoga is formed when lord of 10th is posited in 6th , 8th or 12th house. Native will not derive the fruits of his effects, looked down by others, will be selfish and will have problems in profession. Daridra Yoga This yoga is formed when lord of 11 th is in 6th , 8th , or 12th house. The native will be under huge debts, will remain poor and will suffer from auditory troubles. Andha Yoga This yoga is formed when Mercury and Moon are in 2nd house or lords of Lagna and 2 nd join 2nd house with Sun. the native will have defective sight during night or may be born blind.