Role of Vedic Astrology in Achieving Business Success
Indian Astrology | 28-Mar-2023
Views: 2216
Nobody likes being subservient to any one, which is why the concept of self-employment catches the fancy of every person who wishes to become his/her own boss. However, getting into a business and running that business smoothly & successfully are two different things. In simple words- running a successful business requires much more than a business acumen.
If you Learn Astrology, then you would understand that there are so many subtle yet incredibly powerful cosmic factors at play that decide the ultimate outcome of all the aspects of an individual’s life, including business.
Celestial bodies in the form of planets & stars cast enormous influence upon us and literally shape up every aspect of our lives. Vedic Astrology or Astrology is the ancient occult science that empowers us to know how different aspects of our lives are slated to pan-out as per the positioning of planets in our Horoscope or Kundli.
Astrology also offers us highly powerful remedies that if incorporated timely, can lead to warding off the malefic effects of ill-placed planets that cause problems and at the same time enhance the positive effects of well-placed planets of our Horoscope that propel us towards success in various aspects/domains of our lives.
“Indian Astrology” offers the Best Online Vedic Astrology Course that makes it possible for a learner to decipher what the planets in a Horoscope are signifying for various aspects/domains of life as well as identify the specific remedies that would result in turning the wheel of fortune in one’s favour!
Business in Vedic Astrology
It is of paramount importance that in order to succeed in business, a person should first get his/her Horoscope or Kundli, thoroughly analyzed by an experienced astrologer.
The astrologer, while analyzing the Horoscope of a person, would look at a lot of things to ascertain that whether the native has bright prospects of succeeding in a business or not.
Furthermore, if there are obstacles posed by ill-placed planets in the Horoscope and or their malefic aspects, then the astrologer derives remedial measures that are specific to the inherent malefic planetary influences to dispel those obstacles and ensure success in business.
Remember, Vedic Astrology identifies & treats the root planetary cause that is responsible for restricting a person from achieving business success. Once things are taken care of on the celestial level, clocking-in success in the business domain is simply a natural outcome in a person’s life.
Also Read: Basic Principles to Determine Profession and Income
How is the Business aspect of life, analyzed in a Horoscope?
An astrologer puts several principles or applications of Vedic Astrology to use while analyzing how the business aspect of a person’s life is signified in his/her Horoscope.
Few of them are:
Ascendant: The ascendant in the Horoscope of a person reveals the innermost nature of that person.This provides key data while gauging the temperament or inclination of that person which is very helpful in determining the best suited line of business for that person.
2nd House: While analyzing business, the 2nd house in the Horoscope signifies Accumulated Wealth or Bank Balance. Therefore, it is extremely important that this house is positive & strong because strong finances are the fundamentals on which successful businesses are built.
3rd House: This house in the current context signifies Documents, Communication and Courage. A person who aspires to run a successful business must have a strong 3rd house to ensure that the attributes associated with this house are perfectly managed & executed.
6th House: Although this house primarily signifies Job but, it also points out towards Competition and we all know that in business, failure to tackle competitors efficiently, could mean an end to the business. Hence, it is crucial to have a strong & favourable 6th house.
7th House: This is the most important house of the Horoscope when it comes to analyzing the business domain of life as it signifies Business and Partnerships. Therefore, this house should be free from all malefic influences to ensure a smooth & rewarding business vertical in life.
10th House: This is the house of Profession, Name and Fame. This house plays a major role in identifying the specific line of business that would be best suited to a person.
11th House: It is the house of Gains and Realization of Desires, therefore, acts as the backbone of a successful business venture.
12th House: Last but definitely not the least, this house signifies expenditures and we all know that while expenditures are an integral part of a business but if they spiral out of control then this could result in serious setbacks in business operations and even closure of the business. Therefore, this house must be strong & positively signified in the Horoscope of a person intending to get into a business.
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Bankruptcy or Foreclosure in Business
We keep on hearing the news of Bankruptcy or Foreclosures in business every now or then. Irrespective of the scale of the business, the risk of losing everything is consistently there if the business is not managed properly.
However, if you take a closer look then you would find numerous businesses that get folded despite the person or people running them being well versed with the knowledge of the business domain or field.
Why is that?
Well, the answer is simple. These businesses are the ones that are setup & run by people who do not have the necessary planetary support that is required to ensure success in that particular business domain.
Choosing a business field/domain which is conducive to you as per your Horoscope, is the first & foremost requirement to ensure a successful business venture and Vedic Astrology precisely offers that help.
It is good, in fact, an absolute necessity that one is well equipped with the knowledge required to excel in a business field. However, there are a lot of subtle & phenomenally strong cosmic factors that are in play in the life of a person and unless the person does not align himself/herself in accordance with those, achieving business success or success in any domain of life for that matter, is nothing but a pipe dream.
It is imperative that a person must structure the very framework of the business domain of his/her life, strictly as per the principles & guidance that the time-tested occult science of Vedic Astrology has to offer.
The planets exert a phenomenal impact on all aspects of our lives and when it comes to business which involves finances and is related to our survival, there is no point in going ahead blindfolded and at the mercy of fate.
Incorporate the wisdom of Vedic Astrology and make business success a natural manifestation in your life!
Enroll yourself in the Astrology Course offered by “Indian Astrology” and become well-versed in the sacred occult wisdom that has the potential of revealing what fate has in store for a person as well as providing incredibly useful guidance & incredibly powerful remedies that could make a person- the master of his/her destiny.
Join the Best Online Vedic Astrology Course offered by “Indian Astrology” and Learn Astrology from those who have devoted their entire lives to the divine science of Vedic Astrology!