sun in 12 houses
Dr. Arun Bansal | 02-Apr-2015
Views: 6300First House
Tall body, nose and forehead high, well proportioned body. Mentally disturbed with
spouse and members of in-laws. Fond of tourism, foreign travel. Establishment away
from homeland. Financial ups and downs. Gets angry very soon, self-respect, brave,
courageous, playful. Problems in marriage. Ambitious, body ache, injury in head, weakeyesight, bald-headed. Whimsical, apprehensive, suspicious. Loss of wealth and
property and therefore assets keep on varying. Health problems at the age of 15,
mostly suffers from eczema.
If debilitated, marriage not possible before age of 24, loss of wealth and son, loss of
respect and honour. If exalted, wealth, intellectual ability, darkness before eyes, cataract,
squint, Greedy, famous.
If Sun in own sign, suffers from night blindness. If aspected by or in conjunction with
benefic planets native gets only good results. If Sun in Cancer sign eyes small, if in
Aries or Leo sign heart trouble. If in Scorpio or Pisces sign very famous person. If
aspected by Mars, suffers from T.B., Asthma. If aspected by Saturn, develops suicidaltendencies.
In female horoscope - Angry, self-respect, playful, obstinate, picks up quarrel,
argumentative, deprived of husband’s attention. If aspected by Saturn, suicidal
tendencies, stubborn, head injury, headache, harsh in speech, dependant on other’s
food, ungrateful, ill health in childhood, contact with lower grade people. If exalted or in
own sign, luxurious life.
Second House
Slender body, frail constitution, red eyes, extremely lucky, impatience in listening to
others. Invests money for a good cause. Does not maintain good relations with
members of in-laws. Suffering from ear-nose and throat (ENT) problems. Earns through the business of non-ferrous metals. Penalized by government. Wealth and property acquired by Govt. Defect in speech, stammers, stays in other’s house. Well educated.
Embezzles govt. money. Not affectionate with family members and spouse. Wealthy
but pays fine to govt. in one form or other. Diseases of mouth. Death of husband after death of wife.
If Sun in signs 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12 excellent results. If Sun in signs 7, 10, and 11 or in enemy
sign then beneficial effect is reduced. Penalized in the age from 17 to 25, loss of
money through theft. If in enemy sign or aspected by a malefic, problem in right eye. If
aspected by Saturn, poor, danger from thief or govt. If in conjunction with Rahu- very
wealthy person.
In female horoscope – loss of wealth and family, poor, Throat problems. If Sun in own
sign- prosperity. Jealous, quarrelsome, no friends, harsh in talking, without devotion,
eyes problems, devoid of marital happiness. If Sun is exalted – wealthy and happy. If
Sun in own sign or owner of benefic house – good results.
Third House
Bold, adventurous, dignified, fond of visiting religious places. Oppressed by brothers.
Victorious in wars, wrestling and games. Honour from government, poet, intellectual,
interested in meditation, yoga. Religious, very hard worker, sportsman, immense ability
for occultism. Enmity with relatives, Having loyal servants. Always in company with
good looking and charming ladies, having number of disciples to serve. Destroyer of
elder brothers, Fear of animals at the age of five, financial gains at the age of 20,
having more number of cousin brothers. Comfort of conveyance, interest in science
and art, living with brother may be harmful for both.
If Sun is weak then chances of fracture in the hand. If Sun is malefic- danger from fire
and poison. If sun is aspected by malefic – chances of death of brother/ sister or sister
getting widow. If debilitated – ear problems, extravagant in expenditure.
In female horoscope:- Begets sons, dignified, luxurious life, sportswoman, proficient
in dancing, settles away from the native place, Foreign travel, devoid of happiness
from brothers/ sisters. Large breast, loving husband, health normal, good looking,
protects others. If Saturn is in sixth house husband is having very high status.
Fourth House
Grieved, handsome, settles away from native place. Defeated, destroyer of father’s
property, Desire for learning occult subjects, Devoid of comfort of conveyance. Ill health
of mother, self-health suffers, fearful. Heart troubles Devoid of comforts of friends,
luxuries, land and property. Employed in govt. service, Handicapped or problem in
some vital organ of body. Have sexual relations with number of females. Progress at
the age of 22. Efficiency of work improves at the age of 30. Does not get inherited
property of father, even if gets, the same is destroyed. Fond of roaming around
unnecessarily. Mentally disturbed. Gets company of selfish friends. Difficult to get
success in politics, interested in philosophy. Gets honour and wealth from govt. Not in good term with brothers. Likely to face defeat.
If aspected by malefic - comfort of conveyance normal. If exalted/ in own sign/ aspected
by benefic – honour by Govt. in old age. If with Venus – Raj yog. If with Mars – death
after falling from high place or may be an accident. If in sign Scorpio – heat in the body
and burning sensation in hands.
In female horoscope – difficult life, problem to self and mother. Heat in body and heart,
Heavy menses, No charm on the face, Health normal, hatred from opposite sex, Big
and long teeth, interested in sculpture, wife of senior officer, less number of children.
Fifth House
Angry disposition, death of first son. Normally one or at the most two sons. Status of
one of the son higher than the native. Problems in childhood, wealth in young age.
Interested in theatre, cinema etc. Fond of speculative activities, hiking, and trekking.
Stomach disorders, intelligent, accumulates wealth by his own efforts. Expert in Tantra
mantra. cheat, fraudulent, heart trouble. Devotee of Lord Shiva.
If Sun with Rahu/ Ketu –death of sons due to Sarpa Dosha. If in own sign – death of
first child or abortion. If in moveable sign – happiness through progeny. If in dual signloss
of progeny. If with or aspected by malefic planets – more female issues. If with or
aspected by benefic – male progeny, If with Moon or Jupiter – normal happiness through
progeny. If in sign Cancer – possibility of having progeny through second marriage. If
in Sagittarius sign along with Jupiter – wealth in abundance. If in own sign and Jupiter
is posited in 11th house, wealthy. If benefic- speculation gains.
In female horoscope – No male progeny, intelligent, problems with first child, famous,
scholar, bold, courteous, bulky face, obedient of parents, leader in females, disciplined,
charming speech.
Sixth House
Destroyer of enemies, expenditure on friends and person connected with govt., problem
to the maternal side. Injured by four legged airmails. Good health, problem of gall
bladder/ kidney stones, gastric troubles, kidney problems. Luck favours at the age of
23. Bad luck for maternal uncle, high status, famous, wealth, meritorious. Mental
problems, fond of eating good food, very sexy. Teeth get damaged by wood or stone.
If with benefic or aspected by benefic- excellent health. If Sun is weak – weak and
short lived. If in Taurus, Scorpio or Aquarius signs ailments of throat, heart and back
bone. If in Gemini, Virgo, or Pisces sign- cough and T.B. If in Cancer, Libra and
Capricorn signs – gastric troubles, arthritis, stomach disorders. If in Sagittarius sign
with Mercury – enjoys very high status in society.
In female horoscope – wealthy, destroyer of enemies, enemity, quarrelsome, stomach
disorder, gastric trouble; dehydration, good looking, good character, religious, extremely
popular, lucky, successful in politics.
Seventh House
Hindrance in marriage, problems with spouse, grieved, mentally disturbed. Possibility
of second marriage, venereal disease, piles, fistula. Fond of opposite sex, spouse
priggish, insulted by spouse. Profit and loss in business, wanders aimlessly, problem
from govt. side, wicked spouse. Long separation from spouse. Profit in partnership
business. Help from yantra power, fame in society and war. Good income in the age of
24, foreign travels at the age of 25. Involved in activities against Govt., no happiness
from conveyance, gets name and fame everywhere.
If sun is debilitated– marriage not possible before 24 years. If exalted- educated and
intelligent spouse. If malefic or in enemy sign – characterless spouse. If strong or in
own sign – single marriage. If in Capricorn sign – problem with spouse. If with Saturn
– spouse of doubtful chastity. If with Rahu – loss of wealth in company of females. If
with Moon and aspected by Saturn – thorough corrupt. If with Jupiter – enjoys good
health, enjoys all material comforts, handsome, rich, fond of jewels. If with Venuscharacterless
spouse with the consent of native.
Eighth House
Short life, cheat, cunning, always with mental worries. Short tempered, impatient, and
wealthy. Fond of having sexual relation with foreigners. Drunkard, ill health, fond of
non- veg food. Loss of money in theft or wealth is destroyed due to native’s laziness.
Beloved of fair sex, venereal diseases, widower, fire-accidents. Fear of firearms. Gets
money through spouse, problem in right eye, children suffer from ill health, loss of
wealth, friends and life. Chances of untimely death during the age of 30-33 years,
unsuccessful till the age of 33, suffering equivalent to death at the age of 3, head injury
at the age of 10. Unnecessary arguments with colleagues, Death of husband before
the death of wife.
If with benefic planets – no head injury. If in enemy’s sign- death due to electric shock,
snake bite or poison. If in male sign – chastity of wife doubtful. If exalted or in own sign
– long life.
In female horoscope – widow, sexy, fear of theft and fire. If aspected by Mars death
due to fire is certain even if aspected by benefices. Train accident, fond of travelling,
settles in foreign country, ill- health. No comforts, poor, bad-deeds, injury or wound in
the body, tendency of high blood pressures. Playful, deprived of husband’s attention. If
Sun is in own sign – barren or sterile. If with Mars and Venus - involved into prostitution.
If with Venus – Characterless. If with Saturn and Venus or with Mars and Venus – either
characterless or ascetic provided the difference in longitudes of these planets is not
Ninth House
Happy, father short- lived, difference of opinion with father, donor, ascetic, devotee,
leader, astrologer, loss of fame, opponent, landlord, lucky, progress with the help of
others, long – lived, ill health during childhood, prosperous in adulthood, happiness
from conveyance & servants, full benefit of human life.
If exalted or in own sign – father long- lived. If debilitated – worries and asceticism, If
malefic or in enemy’s sign – harmful for father. If exalted –very lucky, prosperous, luck
will help at every stage in life. If with Moon – wealthy, powerful personality. If in Sagittarius
sign with Mercury – benefic results.
In female horoscope – religious, loss of fortune, fantasies, asceticism, large number
of enemies, happy in middle age but unhappy in old age. Harmful if debilitated.
Tenth House
Being digbali gives high status in government, intelligent, govt. recognizes his hard
work, problems to mother, own- relatives become opponents, govt. service must,
excellent behavior, recognition from govt., generous, enjoys the life, all types of happiness,
happiness from progeny and conveyance, angry- disposition, expenditure, progress in
politics, successful administrator, happiness from father & relatives, full of the jewels
and gems, full benefit of human life, ill health in old age. Separation from near relation
or from very dear object at the age of 19. Fame in education after the age of 18.
Suffering to father at the age of 28. Fortunate at the age of 30.
If in own sign – respect by govt. If lord of Trikona houses – Healthy wealthy. If debilitated
– characterless. If in sign Taurus – successful in agriculture. If in sign Cancer – profit
through water travel. If in sign Aries or Leo – hunter, violent, builds religious place. If
with/ aspected by malefic – sinner. If aspected by any three planets – famous, close to
king. If in sign Taurus with Mercury – wealthy. If lord of 10th house and Saturn are in 3rd
house – respect, healthy, becomes very famous at an early age.
In female horoscope – recognition by govt., devoid of happiness from father, ascetic,
always suffering from ill health, interest in dancing and singing, priggish, charitable,
Eleventh House
Wealthy, long- lived, no sufferings in life, income from govt., sudden gains, enemies
are afraid. Officer in bank, treasury, number of enemies – even then victorious. People
obey him, beautiful and prosperous wife, learned, stomach – troubles, trust worthy,
children create problems, eliminates all malefic effects if birth during daytime. Gets
conveyance at the age of 25. High status interested in singing. leader, very beautiful
eyes, not helpful for elder brother.
If in own sign – income through govt., animals, litigation or thieves. If lord of 4th house –
all material comforts and wealth. If weak – malefic results. If in Sagittarius sign or
aspected by Moon or Jupiter – marriage with girl of high family.
In female horoscope – prosperous, recognition from govt., govt. service or serving in
bank or treasury. Gains, comforts, happiness from progeny, artist, self-reliant, with
sons and grandsons, proficient in various arts, praised by relatives and brothers,
Twelfth House
Sinner, corrupt, eyes trouble, bodyache, lazy, mentally sick, journeys, poverty, settles
in foreign country or foreign travel must, opponent of father, weak eyesight, financial
loss, fine, penalty, imposition of tax, no son, habit of stealing, loss at the age of 28 to
32, disease of private parts at the age of 36, victorious, loss during travel, trouble to
uncle or does not maintain cordial relation with uncle, unreligious, deformity of some
organ, having illicit relation with other ladies, hunter of birds. Ailments of thigh, wife
If exalted – progeny. If weak – fear of penalty, bondage from govt., loss of wealth, may
have to leave own country. If with malefic planets- number of journeys, extravagant, No
marital happiness. If Sun a benefic planet or exalted – separation from brothers. If with
Saturn and Moon – bankrupt. If with lord of 9th house – fortunate due to father. If with
Moon – eyesight of both the eyes weak or may become blind. If in Virgo sign – life
more than 75 years.
In female horoscope – angry, extravagant, weak eye- sight, settles in foreign country
or foreign travel, impolite, expenditure in bad deeds, passionate, fond of liquor, nonvegetarian
food. Chastity doubtful.