Sunfa and Anfa Yogas Can Shower Prosperity & Wealth On A Person!
Indian Astrology | 28-May-2020
Views: 5915A Yoga in Vedic Astrology is a specific planetary placement or union which provides very strong results. There are many Yogas that are described in Vedic Astrology and the results of these Yogas can be both good as well bad, based on the nature of the specific Yoga.
Two such very strong Yogas are: Sunfa Yoga and Anfa Yoga.
Both of these Yogas give their positive results as long as the Moon is in a strong position in the horoscope because a weak Moon restricts these Yogas to bless the native with the positive results that they carry along.
How to identify a strong Moon in a Horoscope?
The Moon is considered strong in a person’s horoscope if:
- That person is born during any time between the 11th ‘Tithi’ (Date) of the ‘Shukla Paksha’ (Waxing Phase of the Moon) and the 5th Tithi of the ‘Krishna Paksha’ (Waning phase of the Moon).
- The Moon is situated between 10 to 20 Degrees.
- The Moon must not be aspected by malefic or cruel planets.
- The Moon must not be the Lord of any malefic house of the horoscope.
Sunfa Yoga
As per the principles of Vedic Astrology, if there is a planet present in the next house from the house where the Moon is placed in a native’s horoscope, then a Sunfa Yoga is formed which bestows wealth and fame upon the native. It must be noted that a Sunfa Yoga is not formed if only the Sun is placed in the next house from the Moon. In such a case some other planet must be placed along with the Sun in order for a Sunfa Yoga to get formed.
For example, if the Moon is placed in the 9th house of a horoscope and some planet other than the Sun is placed in the 10th house, then a Sunfa Yoga is formed.
As per its popular definition, a Sunfa Yoga is very commonly seen in many people’s horoscopes but it is observed that most of them do not get the auspicious results of this yoga. Let us look at the reasons behind that.
In order to reap the auspicious results of Sunfa Yoga, a native must have a positively positioned Moon in the horoscope as well as the planet placed in the next house from the Moon must also be well positioned. If either of the planets are not well positioned, then the Sunfa Yoga becomes very weak and incapable of providing its good results to the native.
Apart from this, in order for the Sunfa Yoga to be able to shower its auspicious results on the native, it is imperative that the Moon in the native’s horoscope must not be conjunct with any malefic planet/s and also must be free of the aspect/s of any malefic planet/s.
An astrologer, while evaluating the strength or potency of a Sunfa Yoga, takes into account the placement wise strength of the Moon in the horoscope of a native. e.g. a Sunfa Yoga formed by a Moon placed in the 4th house with a Cancer sign will be more powerful than a Sunfa Yoga formed by a Moon placed in the 8th house with a Scorpio sign.
Anfa Yoga
As per the principles of Vedic Astrology, an Anfa Yoga is formed if a planet is placed in the house previous to that of the Moon in a horoscope. Anfa Yoga blesses the native with good health, fame and spiritual growth in life.
Just as in the case of Sunfa Yoga, an Anfa Yoga is not formed if only the Sun is placed in the house previous to the Moon. There must be some other planet conjunct with the Sun in order for Anfa Yoga to get successfully formed in the horoscope of a native.
Similarly like Sunfa Yoga, an Anfa Yoga will only be able to bless an individual with its positive effects if the Moon in the individual’s horoscope is not conjunct with any malefic planet/s and is also free of the aspect/s of any malefic planet/s as well.
Effects of Sunfa and Anfa Yogas
If Sunfa and or Anfa Yogas are formed in the natal horoscope of an individual, then that individual becomes famous, well respected, financially sound, merciful, affluent as well as the leader of a community or an organization.
The individual also gets blessed with a sound state of health and goes through spiritual growth & development in life.
These yogas ensure a peaceful and content life for the native and give their maximum results during the “Dasha and Antardasha” of the respective planets forming the yogas.
Results of Different Types of Sunfa Yogas
Mangal (Mars) Sunfa Yoga:
If Mars is placed in the house next to that of the Moon in a person’s horoscope, then Mangal Sunfa Yoga is formed. It blesses the person with courage and wealth. The person also becomes the owner of a land or property. However, it is seen that a person with this Sunfa Yoga, often has a harsh tone attached to his/her speech.
Buddh (Mercury) Sunfa Yoga:
If Mercury is placed in the house next to that of the Moon in a person’s horoscope, then Buddh Sunfa Yoga is formed. It makes the person proficient in sacred scriptures, music & art. Such a person is fond of poetry and has a noble character along with a beautiful body. The person is loved by all for his/her good deeds.
Guru (Jupiter) Sunfa Yoga:
If Jupiter is placed in the house next to that of the Moon in a person’s horoscope, then Guru Sunfa Yoga is formed. It makes the person a master in academic fields and is well respected in the society. The person is wealthy & spiritually inclined.
Shukra (Venus) Sunfa Yoga:
If Venus is placed in the house next to that of the Moon in a person’s horoscope, then Shukra Sunfa Yoga is formed. It makes the person an owner of land or property, courageous as well as recognized by authorities. The person is clever and enjoys the comforts & conveniences of house and vehicle.
Shani (Saturn) Sunfa Yoga:
If Saturn is placed in the house next to that of the Moon in a person’s horoscope, then Shani Sunfa Yoga is formed. It makes the person justice loving, hardworking and fortunate.
Results of Different Types of Anfa Yogas
Mangal (Mars) Anfa Yoga:
If Mars is placed in the house previous to that of the Moon in a person’s horoscope, then Mangal Anfa Yoga is formed. It makes a person the leader of the group that he operates in and blesses the person with a bold personality. The person is confident and always takes on challenges, head-on.
Buddh (Mercury) Anfa Yoga:
If Mercury is placed in the house previous to that of the Moon in a person’s horoscope, then Buddh Anfa Yoga is formed. It makes the person beautiful, proficient in poetry, writing and music. The person is a good orator who gets fame in his/her life.
Guru (Jupiter) Anfa Yoga:
If Jupiter is placed in the house previous to that of the Moon in a person’s horoscope, then Guru Anfa Yoga is formed. It makes the person intelligent, focussed and sharp-witted. The person is often seen rewarded by authorities & organizations in his/her life.
Shukra (Venus) Anfa Yoga:
If Venus is placed in the house previous to that of the Moon in a person’s horoscope, then Shukra Anfa Yoga is formed. It makes the person popular in the opposite gender. The person is seen being favoured by the authorities and owns luxurious vehicle/s.
Shani (Saturn) Anfa Yoga:
If Saturn is placed in the house previous to that of the Moon in a person’s horoscope, then Shani Anfa Yoga is formed. It makes the person lucky, skilled and motivated towards working hard in life.
So, this was a humble introduction about the Sunfa and Anfa Yogas and how they could affect a person. However, there are so many planetary factors involved in the grand scheme of things that in order to get an accurate prediction, you must get your natal horoscope thoroughly analyzed by an astrologer.
We invite you to consult with the highly experienced & professional astrologers of Future Point to know what the planets & stars have in store for you and how by incorporating certain incredibly powerful remedies that are specific to your horoscope, you can bring success, wealth & prosperity in your life!