The Hand of H.H., The Infanta Eulalia
Indian Astrology | 01-Jan-2014
Views: 11846The hand of the Infanta Eulalia of Spain shown on Plate I, is remarkable, if only for the quantity of lines that appear, most of them contradictory in their meanings, as was the character of the lady. She was a clever, brilliant woman who could do almost anything and yet did nothing exceptionally well. As aunt to Alfonso XIII, ex-King of Spain, she had an exalted position in one of the most distinguished Courts of Europe. She, however, threw over board her great opportunities, brought discredit on her position by her numerous adventures, made a failure of her marriage and lost the greater part of her fortune. She could paint extremely well, was a talented writer musician, could use a rifle and ride hounds as a few women can and yet for all practical purposes accomplished nothing very remarkable.
This hand is example of the line of Sun, although appearing well in its early part, at about the middle of the palm crosses over and finishes on the Mount of Saturn, an extremely unfavourable indication on any hand, especially so if the line of fate appears to split up or lose its strength before it reaches its termination.
Other points to be noticed are the downward curve of one end of the line of heart at its commencement under the Mount of Jupiter, the general appearance of the heart-line itself, the broken-up irregular Girdle of Venus, the drooping lines of marriage on the base of the fourth finger. The peculiarly marked line of head with an 'island' in the centre, with one end terminating in a 'star' on the second Mount of Mars, indicates " mental brilliancy, but of an erratic kind.
The Infanta Eulalia had an extraordinary magnetic personality, she was a delightful hostess, could speak fluently every European language, she attracted people to her and yet made innumerable enemies (See lines crossing from Mount of Mars under Jupiter).
In studying this hand, it is advisable to bear in mind that a vast number of lines have a tendency to contradict or neutralise their meaning. As a rule, it will be found that persons are more successful when the principal lines are clear and distinct and, as it were, not confused by a multitude of minor marks running through them.