Dr. Arun Bansal | 01-Jan-2014
Views: 5188
In our universe there are 4000 crores of stars and this is not one single universe
of its kind rather there are more than 1000 crores of them like this. Our this universe
is so big that if we consider the size of Sun equivalent to the tip of a needle
the nearest star shall be 10 miles away from it. 30 lakhs of earths can be contained
inside the Sun. Below we are throwing light on the very interesting and strange
facts about the planets moving in such a big universe.
The number of stars in the universe is more than number of sand particles on all
sea shores.
It shall take one lakh years to cross the universe if we move with the speed of
The Sun takes one month to make one revolution around its own axis. It takes 26000
years to make one complete revolution around the universe.
If we drive the car with the speed of 100 kilometers per hour we shall take 171
years to reach the Sun.
The temperature of Sun’s surface is 6000 Celsius and all the metals get vaporized
at this temperature.
The Mercury orbits around the Sun with fastest speed. It completes its revolution
around the Sun in 88 days.
The Venus is the hottest planet of the solar system and its temperature reaches
the mark of 460 Celsius.
The duration of one day of the Mars is few minutes more (24 hours 37 minutes 23
seconds) than that of one day of the earth.
We shall be reaching on the Moon in around 100 days if we move towards it with
a speed of 160 kilometers per hour.
The distance of the Moon from the earth is increasing with a speed of 3 centimeter
per year.
Only one part of the Moon is visible from earth because it takes equal time to
revolve around its orbit and its axis.
The earth is moving on its axis with a speed of 1600 kilometers per hour and 1
lakh kilometers per hour around Sun.
If the earth is compared to an apple then the thickness of the atmosphere above
earth shall be equivalent to the bark of it.
The heat of the Sun vaporizes around 1 lakh cubic miles of water per year which
weighs around 4 crores of tons.
The 71% portion of surface of the earth is covered with water, the 97% of which
is salty and only 3% sweet.
Our earth is closer to the Sun during winters. During winters it comes closer
to the Sun by 50 lakhs kilometers and in summers it goes away from the Sun by same
distance. The temperature in summers is up not due to distance but the angle earth's
surface makes towards Sun.
The density of the earth is 5.515 grams per cubic centimeters and its total weight
is 5.17 x 1024 i.e, 6 crore crore crore tons.
The minimum temperature registered on earth is -88 Celsius and maximum 58 Celsius.
Planet Saturn is lighter than water and the weight of Jupiter is more than total
weight of all planets.
The density of Saturn is .7 grams per cubic centimeters. But its total weight
is 95 times more than that of earth. Its distance from Sun is 50 times more than
that of earth from the Sun.
The circumference of Jupiter can contain more than 1300 earths in it. Its distance
is 5 times more than that of earth from the Sun. Its total weight is 318 times more
than that of earth.
The Jupiter works like a big vacuum cleaner which protects earth from the dangerous
arrival of comets and falling stars. Otherwise, the probability of their coming near to earth will increase by 10, 000 times and life on earth will get endangered.
The Pluto is not considered a planet but it is dwarf planet only.
The Pluto is away from Neptune but because of high ellipticity of its orbit it
was closer to the Sun than the Neptune from 1979 to 1999.
These above mentioned facts depict that this space is boundless and so are the bounds
of distance, time and speed.