Vastu Science of Harmony
Indian Astrology | 13-Jan-2016
Views: 3666Vastushastra unifies the science, art, astronomy and astrology; it can also be said as an ancient mystic science for designing and building. Vastushastra helps us to make our lives better and will secure from things going wrong. Vastu is the science of direction that combines all the five elements of nature and balances them with the man and the material. Man is the subject, object and the cause of architecture. He perceives and conceives architecture in relation to his experience of himself with the surrounding world. Vastu is the science of harmony that brings harmony among the five elements in existence in the universe.
It guides us to live with the law of nature for health, wealth and over all prosperity. The five elements are related to human beings. The first element EARTH is present in the form of minerals and bones in the body. Earth constitutes 73% of water and the content of water in the body is almost 73%. Fire is required in the digestive system of the body to break down the food to get required energy. Air in terms of oxygen circulates the blood in the body. Space is required for the existence as soon as we are born. Thus the five elements in the earth are correlated with our body. The principle of Vastu is based upon the situation of Sun, the property and the position of the matter. Directions and its elements play an important role. There are four main directions - North, East, South and West and four-cardina directions – North East, South East, North West and South West. The center is called the Brahmasthan.
Each direction bestows different energies and is ruled by different lords, which have direct impact on our lives. Earth's magnetic force flows from North Pole to South Pole. The planet Mercury rules North direction and deity is Kuber. The element is water, color is green. This direction gives health, balance and stability. Northeast direction is ruled by the planet of abundance Jupiter and is called Ishaan Kona. Deity is lord Shiva, the color is yellow it gives wealth and wisdom. It is the most auspicious and sensitive direction. The East direction is ruled by the king of planets Sun, Deity is lord Indra and color is orange. This direction is the victory door and bestows name, fame and success in life. The Southeast direction is ruled by the planet of love and luxuries and is Agneya Kona. The lord is Venus and deity is fire.
This direction gives new beginnings and the blessings of Goddess Laxmi. The South direction is ruled by the martial planet Mars and deity is Yam. The color is red and it gives stability in life. The shadowy planets Rahu-Ketu rule the Southwest direction. The element is earth and deity is Pitra. The colour is mixed colour and it reveals firmness in life. The planet of karma Saturn rules the West direction and deity is Varun. This direction gives motivation and new lessons in life. The fastest moving Moon rules the Northwest direction and deity is Vayu. The element is air and colour is white. This direction brings changes in life. The most important is Brahmasthan, which is the beginning and end of each direction and centre of the area. This is sensitive part of the area; it should remain open and clean. Thus each direction fills the different shades of life and enables us to achieve balance and prosperity in our life. The basic points should be taken under consideration while constructing the house or building according to Vastu.
It is very essential that there should not be any religious place, cremation ground, open slitting water lane etc near by surroundings of the plot. The plot should be North / Northeast and east facing are the best preferable directions. The shape of the plot should be square or rectangle (Maximum ratio allowed in case of rectangular plot is 1:3). The slope of the plot should be towards Northeast. The directions North, Northeast, East, Brahmasthan should be kept light, clean and open. South, Southwest, West should be kept heavy. There should not be any reduction or extension in the plot except North, Northeast and East. More even numbers of balcony, verandahs and windows should be in North / Northeast / East direction. Pillars should be in even numbers and should not come on the sensitive points of Brahmasthan. Main gate should be bigger than the other doors. Doors should be made leaving South / Southwest / West direction. Rooms like drawing room in North / East direction. Prayer room should be in the North / Northeast / East direction. Study room in North / Northeast / East, Guest room in Northwest, Bedroom for head of the family in Southwest / South direction, Kitchen in the Southeast / Southeast-East / Northwest direction, bathroom in Northwest direction and bath cum toilets in Northwest / West-Northwest, South / Southwest direction. Dining hall should be in West / East-Southeast direction. Store room should be in Southwest / South direction. Under ground water tanks should be in North / Northeast / East direction. Overhead water tanks should be in South / Southwest / South direction, Septic tank in Northwest / East - Southeast (more towards South direction.), Stairs in South / Southwest / West direction in clockwise direction in odd number. Basement should be made under the whole building or partially in North / Northeast / East direction. Only garden should be in North / Northeast / East direction and small flowery or herbal plants should be planted. Guard room in the right hand side of the main gate.
In the modern times it is very difficult to leave Brahmasthan open, so lobby/drawing/dining hall should be constructed there. In staircase the steps should be in odd number in clockwise direction and elevation of it should be from east to west or north to south. It should not be in reverse direction in any case. Vaastu Shanti Tips for Offices / Businesses In the office, the temple should not be placed at the back of the owner’s seat. The owner seat must be facing east or north. West is also permissible but it must not face south. There must always be a solid wall behind the owner’s seat. The owner’s desk must always be rectangle. The central point of a factory, house and office should be empty.