What is a Tarot Spread
Future Point | 01-Jan-2014
Views: 3819Tarot readings are made up of three components. A question, a spread and interpretation. The spread defines that how the cards are going to be used within the context of the reading. The cards that are drawn are interpreted in relationship to the question and spread. Spreads are typically composed of the following elements.
- The Question or General Topic.
- The Number of Cards to be Used (This may or may not be decided in advance)
- The Meanings of the individual positions.
- The Order the Cards will be laid out.
- One Card Spreads
- Three Cards Spreads: Three cards spreads are amazingly powerful and very effective at answering direct question. Background, Problem & Advice Spread: This is the most common category. These spreads give an overview of the situation, talk about a specific challenge and discuss how to address the problem.
- Yes/No Spread: These spreads are designed to help answer Yes/no question.
- Choice Spreads: These spreads are designed to help with decision making
- Interaction Spreads: These spreads are designed to explore the interaction between two things or two people. The middle card joins the right and left together.
- Daily Spreads: These spreads are to be used for daily readings.
- Progression Spreads: These spreads start with a concept and either expand or contract. From general to specific or from specific to general.
- Temporal Spreads: Time and Timing are the major consideration in these spreads.
- Levels of Being: These spreads cover multiple levels of being.
- Relationship Cross: This spread gives an in-depth look a relationship.
- Elemental Spread: This spread explores a topic from 5 aspects according to their elemental attribution.
- Situation: Challenge & Solution: This is a temporal spread that also looks at challenges and the unknown.
- Situation & Unknown: This spread uses five cards to look at the known & unknown aspects of a situation while giving background, advice and a potential outcome.
- Situation & Undercurrent: This spread is a background Problem-advice spread that also looks at the undercurrent and hidden aspects.
- X Spread: This spread explores multiply outcome for a situation.