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Premium Horoscopes

A Horoscope or a Kundli is basically a snapshot of the positions of certain celestial bodies in the cosmos at the exact time of a person’s birth. The horoscope is deciphered by applying the principles of the occult science of Astrology or Vedic Astrology to predict the course of a person’s life.

Life Horoscope

Life Horoscope

Life Horoscope(Bhrigu Patrika) is an exceptional offering provided by Future Point, which is by far the most comprehensive astrological solution for all aspects of ones life. If someone is looking for a full life horoscope model of accurate predictions and remedies compiled by incorporating countless calculations, then this 250 plus page long offering by Future Point is the answer.

Pages : 250
Sample : English | Hindi
5000 2500
10 Year Horoscope Prediction

10 Year Horoscope Prediction

10 Year Horoscope Prediction is the most comprehensive model of prediction and calculation. This 200 plus page long Horoscope is the best model for complete Vedic Astrology with Numerology, LalKitab, Astrograph and Yogas. Parashar Patrika contains calculations on Parashar, Gemini and KP Systems along with Vimshottari & Yogini dasha calculations with Sookshma details for Vimshottari dasha. It contains remedies on Gems, Rudraksha, Mantra and donations. It gives detail about Sade sati & Kaal sarp dosh along with its remedies. It contains prediction for the forthcoming 10 years including Maha dasha & Antar dasha phal, as well as, it gives extensive monthly predictions for one year cov-ering all important aspects of life like health, finance, profession, family etc.

Pages : 200
Sample : English | Hindi
4000 2000
Lal Kitab Horoscope

Lal Kitab Horoscope

Lal Kitab is a methodology that is quite different form the tradition Vedic Astrology but it is no less when it comes to effectiveness & practicality. Lal Kitab is a perfect example of innovation sprouting from an existing system to achieve further precision in terms of results. Lal Kitab horoscope or Lal Kitab Janam Kundali is prepared and analyzed differently as compared to the one that is prepared by the principles of Vedic Astrology.

This does not mean that Lal Kitab and Vedic Astrology are at a confrontation with each other, infact they prove to highly complementary to each other as far as the end result is concerned i.e revealing maximum accurate predictions. But, the thing that makes Lal Kitab garner a very special place for itself is its ability to identify the decode the past life karmic structure that a native carry in this life.

Pages : 174
Sample : English | Hindi
3480 1740
Love & Compatibility Report

Love & Compatibility Report

Every couple above everything else, wish for never lasting love in their relationships, as it is love that forms the true basis of happiness in their lives. But why, despite of best intentions and efforts, not every couple gets to enjoy a relationship that is wrapped in the sweet emotion of love. Well, the answer is simple: Non Compatibility.

Just because at the time of entering a relationship everything seems to be sweet, harmonious, made in heaven etc., does not mean that it will always continue to flower that way in the future as well, considering the unfortunate yet large number of divorces or separations that our society witness today. The Indian society however, always had the least number of separation cases and thats because Indians always take the help of the divine principles of astrology to determine whether the relationship that they are about to enter will prove to be successful or not.

Pages : 87
Sample : English | Hindi
2175 1095
Baby Horoscope

Baby Horoscope

Baby Horoscope also known as Sishu Janma Patrika is a popular horoscope model for children. It is a 100 page report containing astrological calculations, predictions and remedies major like Gem, Rudraksha, Mantra and list of articles of donation. The numerological predictions have also be given in it. In addition it also contains Nakshatra prediction. This is an incomparable report for knowing about a child. In Baby Horoscope along with predictions the comprehensive astrological calculations have also been given which are excellent for an astrologer to have an idea about the future.

Pages : 102
Sample : English | Hindi
2040 1020
Birth Horoscope

Birth Horoscope

It is a commonly chosen model of prediction. It is a 100 plus page report of astrological calculations and predictions along with all essential remedies like gems, rudraksha, mantra, donations etc. It contains 5 years Transit predictions with 5 years Dashaphal analysis. Further it contains Numerology Predictions. This report is good for getting a great idea about the native’s future. Birth Horoscope (Janma Patrika) contains extensive astrological calculations and predictions which helps the astrologer and native to get a fair idea about native’s past and make predictions about future.

Pages : 100
Sample : English | Hindi
2000 1000

Significance of a Horoscope

A horoscope has the information about how the planets are affecting various aspects of our life, which is highly useful when it comes to aligning our actions in-sync with what the planets that are favourable to us are signifying. Remember, the planets literally shape up our lives as per their position in our horoscope. Once we get to know the best path forward based on the planetary influence on us, making informed & rewarding decisions in life is a natural outcome.

Premium Horoscopes from Indian Astrology

Indian Astrology offers certain Premium Horoscopes that offer pin-pointed & focussed analysis. These horoscopes provide invaluable guidance backed by time-tested and powerful occult science of Vedic Astrology.

Furthermore, these horoscope models incorporate various complimentary branches of occult such as Lal Kitab and Numerology. They also decipher the effects of planetary bodies by using profound astrological methodologies like the one revealed by Sage Bhrigu.

The Premium Horoscopes that are offered by Indian Astrology are:
  • Life Horoscope
  • Lal Kitab Horoscope
  • 10 Year Horoscope Prediction
  • Love & Compatibility Report
  • Baby Horoscope
  • Birth Horoscope

So what are you waiting for?

Choose from a wide array of Premium Horoscopes that are offered by Indian Astrology and take your life onto the path that would ensure minimum obstacles & maximum avenues of success & prosperity for you.